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Phoebe liana Y.Yang, a new name of Lauraceae


全 文 :广 西 植 物 Guihaia 29(3):314 2009年 5月
杨 永1,达 来2
(1.中国科学院 植物研究所 系统与进化植物学国家重点实验室,北京 100093;
2.内蒙古阿拉善盟荒漠生态环境监测站 ,内蒙古 巴彦浩特 750306)
摘 要:Phoebereticulata Y.K.Li et X.M.Wang是 P.reticulata Mez的晚出同名 ,建议用一个新名称 P.1i。一
rla Y.Yang替代 P.reticulata Y.K.Li et X.M。Wang。
中图分类号:Q949 文献标识码 :A 文章编号:1000—3142(2009)03—0314—01
Phoebe liana Y.Yang,a new name of Lauraceae
YANG Yong ,DA Lai2
(1.State Key Laboratory of Systematic and Evolutionary Botany,Institute of Botany,the Chinese
Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100093,China;2.Alxa League Desertification Ecological
Environment Monitoring station of Inner Mongolia,AIxa 750306,China)
Abstmct:Phoebe reticulata Y.K.Li et X.M.Wang is a later homonym of P.reticulata Mez
. It is substituted with a
new name,viz.P.1iana Y.Yang.
Key words:China;Lauraeeae;Phoebe;taxonomy
Li 口Z.(1983,Guizhou Science,l:44)described a
new species of Phoebe Nees of Lauraceae from Guizhou
of China,viz.P.reticulata Y.K.Li et X
. M.W ang,
based on Y.K.Li 9436.This name js an effective and
valid one under the Code (McNell et a1.,2006).
However,an exact same name was already validly pub—
lished by Mez based on Glaziou no.18432 from Brazil,
viz.Phoebe reticulata Mez。(Mez,1892).As a result,
Phoebe reticulata Y.K.Li et X.M.Wang becomes a
Iater homonym of P.reticulata Mez.Under Art. 53.1
and Art.45.3,P.reticulata Y.K.Li et X
. M.Wang is
ilegitimate and therefore unavailable for use,it should
be replaced with a new name.
Phoebe liana Y.Yang,nora.nov.
Replaced name:P.reticulata Y.K.Li et X.M.
Wang,Guizhou Science,8:44.1990,nom.illeg.non P.
reticulata Mez.,Arbeiten aus dem K6nig1.Botanisch—
en Garten zu Breslau,1:119.1892.一rype:China.
Guizhou,Libo Co unty,Gaowang,in sylvis frondosis ad
montem calcareum,alt.800 m,Y.K.Li 9436(holotype.
Etymology.The specific epithet‘liana’is ap—
plied here in honor of Y.K.Li who first recognized
the taxon.
Acknowledgements We are grateful to Mr.Xiang
Chen of Biological Institute of Guizhou Academy of
Sciences,and Ms.Tanya Montenegro A.of University
of Missouri—St.Louis for their kind help on literatures

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