全 文 :横断山风毛菊属狮芽风毛菊(Saussurea leontodontoides)
张永增, 杨丽娥, 岳学坤, 李志敏
(云南师范大学生命科学学院,云南 昆明 650092)
摘 要: 对风毛菊属的狮芽风毛菊(Saussurea leontodontoides (DC.)Hand. - Mazz.)采用根尖压片法
进行了细胞学研究。研究结果表明:狮芽风毛菊为二倍体,染色体有 32 条,核型公式为 2n = 2x = 32 =
2M + 11m + 2sm,核型不对称性为 2B型。该研究结果为该种染色体数目和核型的首次报道。
关键字: 狮芽风毛菊;染色体数目;核型分析
中图分类号: O327 文献标识: A 文章编号: 1007 - 9793(2011)02 - 0069 - 03
属。全世界约 400 种,主要分布于欧亚大陆和美
国西北(Fujikawa 等,2007)。我国有 260 种以
上,超过 100 种分布在横断山脉(Fujikawa 等,
2003 ;聂泽龙等,2004)。风毛菊属是横断山脉
区域多样化最丰富的属(Fujikawa 等,2007) ,并
103 种被报道,显示了一个广泛的染色体数(Fu-
jikawa 等,2003)。我国该属植物染色体数目报道
较少(邰丽华等,1997 ;周明东等,2005;王一峰
等,2006) ,而分布于横断山脉该属植物目前仅 5
为多年生直立草本,植株高大约 8cm,生长在草甸
1 材料和方法
本实验材料狮芽风毛菊(Saussurea leontodon-
toides)采自横断山区海拔 4096 米的西藏芒康。
纬度 N29°4213. 0″,经度 E98°3707. 2″,凭证标本
号:sun - 07zx - 1307,现存于中国科学院昆明植
种子在室温下用水浸泡约 12 h ,在 25 ℃培
养箱中萌芽。取生长旺盛的新生根尖用 0.
003mol /L 8 -羟基喹啉避光处理 3. 5 ~ 5h ,4 ℃
温度下用卡诺氏固定液(无水乙醇 ∶ 100 %醋酸
= 3∶ 1)固定 0. 5 ~ 2h。然后在 60 ℃恒温水浴锅
中用 1mol /L HCl 解离 6 ~ 12min ,再用 1 %地衣
红染色至少 1h。常规植物根尖细胞染色体压片,
按第 1 届全国植物染色体学术讨论会约定的
标准 ,每种风毛菊选择 30 个细胞进行染色体计
数,核型取 5 个细胞的平均值。测量染色体长臂
Tanaka (1971 ,1977 ,1987)的标准;着丝粒位
置确定根据 Levan and Sandberg(1964) ;中期核
瑞阳(1985)的标准;核型不对称性按 Stebbins
第 31 卷第 2 期
2011 年 3 月
Journal of Yunnan Normal University
Vol. 31 No. 2
Mar. 2011
* 收稿日期:2010 - 05 - 06
基金项目:云南省自然科学基金重点资助项目(2008CC0013) ,云南省级精品课程“植物学”项目。
作者简介:张永增 (1989 -) ,男,云南省大理市人。
通讯作者:李志敏 (1963 -) ,女,云南省昆明市人,硕士,教授,主要从事植物学教学与科研。
2 实验结果
狮芽风毛菊有 32 条染色体,核型公式为 2n
= 2x = 32 = 2M + 11m + 2sm,臂比大于 2:1 的有
12. 5%,染色体长度比为 2. 56,核型不对称性为
2B型。具体实验数据见图 1 和表 1。
图 1 1 为有丝分裂间期核 2 为有丝分裂前期核
3、4 为有丝分裂中期核 5 为有丝分裂染色体图(标尺 =5 微米)
Fig. 1 1 Mitotic interphase 2 Pre-mitotic 3、4 Mitotic Metaphase 5 Karyotypes Scale bars = 5μm
表 1 狮芽风毛菊的核型参数
Tab. 1 Karyomorphological parameters of S. leontodontoides
Pair no.
相对长度(%)Relativistic length(%)
全长 长臂(L) 短臂(S) RL
1 2. 3 1. 3 1. 0 5. 99 1. 33 m
2 2. 0 1. 1 0. 9 5. 56 1. 6 m
3 1. 8 1. 2 0. 6 8. 56 1. 22 m
4 1. 7 1. 2 0. 5 9. 85 1. 3 m
5 1. 6 0. 8 0. 8 6. 85 1. 0 M
6 1. 5 0. 8 0. 7 6. 42 1. 14 m
7 1. 4 0. 8 0. 6 7. 28 2. 4 sm
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续表 1
Pair no.
相对长度(%)Relativistic length(%)
全长 长臂(L) 短臂(S) RL
8 1. 4 0. 8 0. 6 5. 35 1. 08 m
9 1. 4 0. 7 0. 6 5. 99 1. 33 m
10 1. 4 0. 8 0. 6 5. 99 1. 17 m
11 1. 3 0. 7 0. 6 5. 56 1. 16 m
12 1. 3 0. 8 0. 5 3. 85 1 M
13 1. 25 0. 65 0. 6 7. 08 2 sm
14 1. 1 0. 6 0. 5 5. 99 1. 17 m
15 1. 0 0. 6 0. 4 4. 71 1. 2 m
16 0. 9 0. 45 0. 45 4. 28 1. 5 m
注:M:正中着丝(median piont) m:中部着丝(median region)
sm:近中着丝(submedian region)
3 讨 论
狮芽风毛菊染色体数为 32 条,核型不对称性
为 2B型,有 3 种着丝类型:第 5、第 12 对染色体
为正中部着丝(M) ;第 7、第 13 对染色体为近中
部着丝(sm) ;其余的均为中部着丝(m)。根据以
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(下转第 78 页)
·17·第 2 期 张永增,等: 横断山风毛菊属狮芽风毛菊(Saussurea leontodontoides)的细胞学研究
A study on Land use and land cover change(LUCC)
in Songhuaba water source conservation region
Dong Ming1,2 Shi Zhengtao1,2 Li Binyong3 Ming Qingzhong1,2
1 College of Tourism and Geography Science,Yunnan Normal University,Kunming 650092
2 Yunnan Provincial Key Laboratory for Plateau Geographic Process and Environmental Changes,Kunming 650092
3 Resources Science College of Beijing normal university,Beijing,100875
Abstract: Songhuaba water source conservation region was chosen as the study area in this research. Based
on the 1:10,000 land use maps interpreted from the imageries of Landsat TM of 1992 and 2001,the conver-
sion matrix of land use types in 1992 and 2001 was established through the overlay analysis functions of GIS,
Combined the conversion matrix with DEM,the variation characteristics of LUCC are quantitatively studied
from 1992 to 2001. The research results show that (1)The top three land use types in Songhuaba water source
conservation region are forest land,farm land and grass land. The total area of the three land use types ac-
counts for over 86. 4% of the whole basin area. (2)The main changes of land use types in this area are from
cultivated land grass land and no - use land to forest land during 1992 to 2001. The area of other types of land
use decreased.(3)The study of LUCC in different slope indicate that the area of the cultivated land with slope
less than 6° still increased a little,although it decreases gradually with slope greater than 6°,particularly over
15°,with which the area decreased much more. The area of forest land in every slope degree increased obvi-
ously,especially above the slope degree of 6°. The garden plots area slightly increased with slope range of 2°
to 6°,and above 25°。Contrarily,the area of grass land and no - use land in all the slope degree decreased.
Key words: Songhuaba water source conservation region;Land use and land cover change(LUCC) ;conver-
sion matrix;slope
(上接第 71 页)
The study on Cytology of Saussurea leontodontoides
Zhang Yong-zeng,Yang Li-er,Yue Xue-kun,Li Zhi-min
(Life Science School,Yunnan Normal University,Kunming 650092,China)
Abstract: In this paper,the chromosome numbers and karyotype of S. leontodontoides (DC.)Hand. -
Mazz are studied by root tip method. the result shows that S. leontodontoides is diploid. The chromosome num-
ber in each somatic cell is 2n = 32 . The karyotype formulas is 2n = 2x = 32 = 2M +11m +2sm with karyotype
belongs to 2B asymmetry . it is the first time to show the chromosome number and karyotype of S. leontodon-
Key Words: Saussurea leontodontoides;chromosome number;karyotype
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