全 文 :A Comparative Study on Microstructure between
Isatis indigotica Fort. and Baphicacanthus cusia
(Nees) Bremek.
Siming NIE1, Yuangang ZU1*, Lei ZHANG2, Yi PEI3
1. Key Laboratory of Forest Plant Ecology of Northeast Forestry University, Ministry of Education, Harbin 150040, China;
2. Shenzhen Peng Sen Landscape Gardening Engineering, Shenzhen 518040, China;
3. Department of Horticulture, Tianjin Agricultural University, Tianjin 300384, China
*Corresponding author. E-mail: zuyuangang@163.com
Received: January 17, 2012 Accepted: February 28, 2012A
Abstract [Objective] This study aimed to compare the microstructure between I. in-
digotica Fort. and B. cusia (Nees) Bremek. [Method] Microstructure of I. indigotica
Fort. and B. cusia (Nees) Bremek. with different sources were compared and ana-
lyzed by using digital microscopy. [Result] Comparison result of the microstructure
shows that reticulate vessels, single starch granules, multiple starch granules and
stone cells are mostly observed in I. indigotica Fort.; pitted vessels, parenchyma
cells with small pits, single starch granules and cystolith are mostly observed in B.
cusia (Nees) Bremek., which indicated that microstructure of I. indigotica Fort. and
B. cusia (Nees) Bremek. are significantly different. [Conclusion] Microstructure char-
acteristics of I. indigotica Fort. and B. cusia (Nees) Bremek. established in this study
can be used to evaluate the quality of these two kinds of Chinese herbal medicines,
which also provide scientific basis and methods for comprehensively studying the
quality standard of I. indigotica Fort. and B. cusia (Nees) Bremek.
Key words Isatis indigotica Fort.; Baphicacanthus cusia (Nees) Bremek.; Microstruc-
ture; Quality
Agricultural Science & Technology, 2012, 13(4): 763-765, 826
Copyright訫 2012, Information Institute of HAAS. All rights reserved Agronomy and Horticulture
I satis indigotica Fort. is an Isatisherb of the family Cruciferae,which is grown and used in most
regions of China. According to Chi-
nese Pharmacopeia (2005 Edition) [1],
dried root of I. indigotica Fort. can be
used as medicine. Baphicacanthus cu-
sia (Nees) Bremek. is a Baphicacan-
thus herb of the family Acanthaceae,
whose rhizome and roots are respec-
tively used as I. indigotica Fort. in East
China (Fujian, Jiangxi), South China,
Southwest and other southern regions.
To distinguish I. indigotica Fort.
and B. cusia (Nees) Bremek., Chinese
Pharmacopeia (1995 Edition) [2] in-
dexed B. cusia (Nees) Bremek. as a
new variety of Chinese medicine. Al-
though I. indigotica Fort. and B. cusia
(Nees) Bremek. are indexed as two va-
rieties, in practical applications, espe-
cially in some southern provinces ,
I . indigotica Fort. and B. cusia (Nees)
Bremek. are used as the same
medicine. In addition, the research re-
sults are imitated arbitrarily, which are
not distinguished even in the selection
of clinical drug. I. indigotica Fort. and
B. cusia (Nees) Bremek. are both used
for reducing fever and detoxicating,
with similar pharmacological effects
and medicinal properties [3]. However,
they belong to two families with rela-
tively distant phylogenetic relationship.
These two kinds of medicinal plants
were often used as the same medicine
in history with entirely different sour-
ces. Therefore, clarifying their mi-
crostructure characteristics has great
significance to ensure the factual ac-
curacy of the sources of Chinese
herbal medicines in actual production
and protect human life, health and
drug safety.
Materials and Methods
Experimental materials I. indigotica
Fort. roots were purchased from An-
guo Hebei and Tangshan, Tianjin and
Heilongjiang; B. cusia (Nees) Bremek.
roots were purchased from Yibin
Main instruments DMBA450 bio-
logical digital microscope was pur-
chased from Xiamen Maike Aodi In-
dustry Group Co., Ltd.; DFY-400
swing high-speed Chinese medicine
grinder was purchased from Wenzhou
Dade Chinese Traditional Medicine
Machinery Co., Ltd.; 202-1 hand-
cranked slicer was purchased from
Shanghai Gong Nong Bing Medical
Instrument Factory.
Paraffin section preparation met-
hod Herbal medicines were rinsed
with running water. Normal and com-
plete roots were selected, cut into 0.2-
0.5 cm segments and rapidly fixed in
FAA fixative. Conventional paraffin
section preparation was conducted
with the slice thickness of 10-16 μm by
using chloral hydrate permeabilization
method and phloroglucinol-sulfuric
acid staining method. The sections
were sealed with neutral balsam and
observed under a digital microscope.
Powder section preparation method
Herbal medicines were dried,
ground into powder and filtered
through an 80 mesh sieve. The sec-
tions were prepared by chloral hydrate
permeabilization and mounting directly
with diluted glycerol. The morphology
characteristics of powder were ob-
served under a digital microscope.
Agricultural Science & Technology
Agricultural Science & Technology Vol.13, No.4, 2012
A, cross-section of I. indigotica Fort.; B, xylem of I. indigotica Fort.
Fig.1 Microstructure of I. indigotica Fort. cross-section (×40) and xylem (×400)
A, stone cells; B, wood fibers (bundles); C, compound starch grains; D, starch grains in parenchyma cells; E, single starch grains.
Fig.2 Microstructure of I. indigotica Fort. powder (×400)
Results and Analysis
Structural characteristics of I. in-
digotica Fort. and B. cusia (Nees)
Microscopic characteristics of I. in-
digotica Fort.
Cross-section of I. indigotica Fort.
As can be seen from Fig.1, cork lay-
er is composed of several columns of
cells, lignified and suberized; phello-
derm cells are slightly square, with
slightly thick wall; 6 -10 columns of
cortical cells, round or oblong, with sig-
nificant intercellular spaces; phloem is
wide, accounting for about 2/3 of the
radius, phloem rays are about 5 -7
columns of cells wide; cambium is an-
nular; xylem vessels are oval, sepa-
rately or 2-3 gathering, arranged radi-
ally intermittently, with wood fiber bun-
dles around. Parenchyma cells contain
a large number of starch grains.
Powder of I. indigotica Fort. I. in-
digotica Fort. powder is yellowish and
white. As can be seen from the mi-
crostructure, there are numerous ves-
sel fragments, which are mostly reticu-
lated vessels and also a few spiral
vessels; cork cell debris are scattered,
polygonal or irregular in shape; wood
fibers are in bundles, with thick cell
wall; most starch grains are simple,
spherical, oval or hemispherical, um-
bilical points are punctate, linear or
V-shaped, with insignificant layer pat-
tern, most of compound starch grains)
are two-compound and three-com-
pound, multiple-compound starch gra-
ins are few, while no semi-compound
starch grain is observed; stone cells
and crystalline granules are also visi-
ble in I. indigotica Fort. powder (Fig.2).
Microscopic characteristics of
B . cusia (Nees) Bremek.
Cross-section of B. cusia (Nees)
Bremek. Cork layer ofB. cusia (Nees)
Bremek. rhizome is composed of sev-
eral columns of cells, containing brown
substance. There are 3-7 columns of
collenchyma cells with different sizes
in lateral cortex and 6 -8 columns of
long-circular or oblong parenchyma
cells in medial cortex. Phloem is nar-
row, phloem fibers are scattered sep-
arately or in bundles, the cell wall is
thick and slightly lignified. Phloem ray
cells extend radially or in square
shape. Xylem cells are all lignified,
vessels are scattered separately or
align radially with 2 -4 in group, and
wood ray is 2-6 columns of cells wide,
rectangular or square, with and pits
and lignification. Wood rays around
vessels are long spindle. The pith is
wide, the cells are polygonal or nearly
circular, and the parenchyma cells
have small and dense pits. Parenchy-
ma cells in cortex and phloem and pith
cells all contain round or oval-shaped
cystolith (Fig.3).
Microstructure of B. cusia (Nees)
Bremek. root cross-section is similar to
the rhizome with slight differences.
The epidermis is composed of a class
of square or slightly radially extended
cells. The cortex is relatively wide, the
cells are square or oblong tangentially,
with a few round sclerenchymatous
cells, slightly lignified. The phloem is
narrow, phloem fibers are scattered
separately or in bundles. Wood ray is
composed of 2 -5 columns of cells,
cystoliths are unevenly distributed
among cortex, phloem and pith cells.
Parenchyma cells have small and
dense pits (Fig.4).
Powder of B. cusia (Nees) Bremek.
B. cusia (Nees) Bremek. powder is
khaki. As can be seen from the mi-
crostructure, the parenchyma cells in
pith are relatively large and elongated
oval, starch granules are observed in
the pith parenchyma cells occasional-
ly, some pith parenchyma cells have
thick cell wall and oval pits; phloem
fibers are gathered in bundles or scat-
tered separately, apex acuminate,
non-lignified, with thick cell wall and
small cell cavity; there are numerous
wood fiber fragments, which are
polygonal or irregular in shape; pitted
vessels are scattered; most starch
granules are scattered separately,
Agricultural Science & Technology
Vol.13, No.4, 2012 Agricultural Science & Technology
A, stone cells; B, pitted vessels; C, single starch grains; D, compound starch grains.
Fig.5 Microstructure of B. cusia (Nees) Bremek. powder (× 400)
A, cross-section of B. cusia (Nees) Bremek. root (× 160); B, parenchyma cells (× 400)
Fig.4 Microstructure of B. cusia (Nees) Bremek. root cross-section
A, cross-section of B. cusia (Nees) Bremek. rhizome (×40); B, starch granules in parenchyma cells; C, cystolith; D, xylem vessels and
wood fibers; E, parenchyma cells (×400)
Fig.3 Microstructure of B. cusia (Nees) Bremek. rhizome cross-section
spherical or oval, multiple starch gran-
ules are rare, composed of 2-3 grains,
the umbilical point is linear or V-sha-
ped; cystoliths are oval, round or rect-
angular; stone cells are rectangular or
nearly square (Fig.5).
Conclusion and Discussion
I. indigotica Fort.and B. cusia
(Nees) Bremek. were used as the
same kind of traditional Chinese
medicine in history, with distant plant
phylogenetic relationship. Identification
of their microstructure characteristics
has great significance to ensure the
factual accuracy of the sources of Chi-
nese herbal medicines in actual pro-
duction and protect human life, health
and drug safety.
In this study, result shows that
cork layer of I. indigotica Fort. is ligni-
fied and suberized, phelloderm cells
are square, with thick walls. Cortical
cells are round or oblong, with signifi-
cant intercellular spaces. Phloem is
wide, accounting for about 2/3 of the
radius. Phloem ray is 5-7 columns of
cells wide. Xylem vessels are round
and arranged radially intermittently,
with wood fiber bundles around.
Parenchyma cells contain a large
number of starch granules.
There are numerous vessel frag-
ments in I. indigotica Fort. powder,
which are mostly reticulated vessels
and also a few spiral vessels; cork cell
debris are polygonal or irregular in
shape; wood fibers are in bundles, with
thick cell wall; most starch grains are
simple, spherical, oval or hemispheri-
cal, with insignificant layer pattern,
most of the compound starch grains
are two-compound and three-com-
pound, multiple-compound starch grai-
ns are few, while no semi-compound
starch grain is observed; stone cells
and crystalline granules are also visi-
ble in I. indigotica Fort. powder.
Cork layer of B. cusia (Nees) Bre-
mek. rhizome contains brown sub-
stance. Phloem is narrow, phloem
fibers are scattered separately or in
bundles, the cell wall is thick and slight-
ly lignified. Phloem ray cells extend ra-
dially or in square shape. Xylem cells
are lignified, with slightly thick wall and
pits. Wood rays around vessels are
fusiform. The pith is wide, pith cells are
polygonal or nearly circular, and the
parenchyma cells have small and
dense pits. Parenchyma cells in cortex
and phloem and pith cells all contain
round or oval-shaped cystolith.
Pith parenchyma cells in B. cusia
(Nees) Bremek. powder are relatively
large and oblong-elliptic, some pith
parenchyma cells have thick cell wall
and oval pits; phloem fibers are gath-
ered in bundles or scattered separate-
ly, apex acuminate, non-lignified, with
thick cell wall and small cell cavity;
wood fiber fragments are numerous;
pitted vessels are scattered; more than
half of simple starch grains areun-
evenly distributed while a relatively
small number of compound starch
grains are observed; cystolith is oval,
round or rectangular; stone cells are
rectangular or nearly square.
According to our observations,
I . indigotica Fort. and B. cusia (Nees)
Bremek. are significantly different in
the microstructure. The research re-
sults will hopefully serve as useful in-
formation for improving the identifica-
tion of I. indigotica Fort. and B. cusia
(Nees) Bremek.
(Continued on page 826)
Agricultural Science & Technology
Agricultural Science & Technology Vol.13, No.4, 2012
聂思铭 1,祖元刚 1*,张 磊 2,裴 毅 3 (1.东北林业大学森林植物生态学教育部重点实验室,黑龙江哈尔滨 150040;2.深圳市鹏森环境绿化工程有
限公司,广东深圳 5180403;3.天津农学院园艺系,天津 300384)
摘 要 [目的]对板蓝根和南板蓝根进行显微结构的研究。[方法]应用数码显微技术对市售不同来源的板蓝根和南板蓝根进行了显微结构的比较
粒淀粉、钟乳体,这表明板蓝根和南板蓝根的显微结构差异显著。[结论]该研究所建立的板蓝根和南板蓝根显微结构特征可用于 2种中药材的质
关键词 板蓝根;南板蓝根;显微结构;质量
作者简介 聂思铭(1985-),男,辽宁兴城人,硕士研究生,研究方向:天然产物提取分离和应用研究,E-mail: nsm120@163.com。*通讯作者,教授,
收稿日期 2012-01-17 修回日期 2012-02-28
Responsible editor: Xiaohui FAN Responsible proofreader: Xiaoyan WU
[1] National Pharmacopoeia Council(国家药
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石 磊 1,曹 倩 2,王 磊 3,滕 腾 1,黄 成 1* (1.南京大学生命科学学院,江苏南京 210093;2.南京大学金陵学院,江苏南京 210089;3.江苏省林业科
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摘 要 [目的]分析芜萍生长的元素需求,以期为芜萍培育中营养液配方的改良提供参考依据。[方法]在温室内模拟池塘基底条件,通过添加营养
液培养芜萍,检测了培养终期水样、野外芜萍池塘水样及芜萍干样的 8种元素成分,研究了芜萍生长所需的元素营养成分,并就芜萍生长中对 N、
P、K的吸收量与 P消减量作了初步分析。[结果]添加营养液组的芜萍生物量均随时间延长逐渐增加,2周后收获量显著高于初始值;无添加组显
著低于初始值,表明添加营养液具有显著效果。但营养液组芜萍生物量 2周后不再增长且低于野外池塘,表明营养液组培养箱中可能存在某些抑
制性因素。元素检测结果为;终期水样、野外池塘和芜萍干样的 N、P、K的比例分别是 3.8:1:2.8、11.5:1:17 和 5.2:1:6.8。培养终期营养液组 3个培养
箱的 N、P、K等元素均有剩余,但是 Ca、Zn均低于检出限;1~3号箱的锰离子含量分别为 ND、0.05、0.38 mg/L,与芜萍生物量呈正相关,试验中芜萍
生长受抑制与培养液中 Ca、Zn、Mn等元素缺乏密切相关。[结论]该研究结果为芜萍生长的营养液配方改良提供了有价值的参数。
关键词 芜萍;生长;营养需求
基金项目 国家林业局林业公益性行业科研专项(200904001);国家自然科学基金(NSFC J0730641)。
作者简介 石磊(1987-),女,回族,山东泰安人,硕士,研究方向:水产经济学,E-mail:sl0509nju@163.com。*通讯作者,副教授,从事动物学研究,
收稿日期 2012-01-19 修回日期 2012-02-19
Responsible editor: Na LI Responsible proofreader: Xiaoyan WU
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