Effect of PP333 and Boron, Molybdenum on Cold Resistance of Zoysia tenuifolia EFFECT OF PACLOBUTRAZOL ON PEROXIDASE DURING OVERWINTERING OF YOUNG APPLE TREE Preservation in vitro of medicinal plant Salvia prionitis Preliminary study on the application of PP333 on Moghania philippinensis RESIDUES OF 14 C PP 333 IN SOIL AND CROP 6-BA and PP333 Effects in Shelf-life Improvement of Tulipa gesneriana Cut Flowers Preliminary Study on the Application of.PP333 in the Production of Dangshen Effects of Growth Regulators on Photosynthetic and Physiological Indices and Chlorophyll Fluorescence Parameters of Pistacia chinensis Effect of Plant Growth Retardants on the Growth and Development of Potted Rose Study on the Effects of Growth Regulator PP333, GA3 and BA on Potato Seedlings Cultured in vitro Effects of PP333 spraying on some physiological, morphological characteristics and yield of wheat on dryland with different plant density Effect of growth inhibitors on biomass structure, energy distribution and lodging rates for populations of Elymus sibiricus Effect of paclobutrazol on drought resistance of six turfgrass cultivars during the seedling stage Effect of PP333 and Boron, Molybdenum on Cold Resistance of Zoysia tenuifolia Study on preservation in vitro of Morinda officinalis

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