The circadian rhythm of death based on data from a Chinese family tree The Effett of Chinese Herbs on the Circadian Rhythmof Body Temperature and Heart Rate in Rabbits withHypothyroidism(Yang Deficiency) STUDY ON THE SEXUAL BEHAVIOR CIRCADIAN RHYTHM OF JUJUBE LEAFROLLER MOTH ANCYLIS SATIVA LIU Circadian rhythm of calling behavior and sexual pheromone production and release of the female Zeuzera leuconotum Butler (Lepidoptera: Cossidae) Cloning and Characterization of a Circadian Rhythm regulated psaH cDNA in Pharbitis nil Circadian rhythm of emergence and reproduction of Micromelalopha troglodyta (Lepidoptera: Notodontidae). Effect of Circadian Rhythm Change on Chlorophyll Biosynthesis in Chlorophytum capense Chronopharinacological Study of Guizhi Decoction in Rodents