Spatial distribution of tree species richness in Xiaodonggou forest region of the Altai Mountains, Northwest China Two New Records of Dicranaceae (Bryophyta) to China from Altai Mountains,Xinjiang Anatomy of An Ephemeroid Plant Eremurus altaicus Researchon Birds of Altai Region, Northern Xinjiang Uigur Autonomous Region Simulation and Analyses of Landscape Scenario in Xiaokelan Forest Region of Altai Mountains in Xinjiang Population status and dynamic trends of Amur tiger‘s prey in Eastern Wandashan Mountain, Heilongjiang Province Identifying a contact zone between two phylogeographic lineages of Clematis sibirica (Ranunculeae) in the Tianshan and Altai Mountains Chemical Constituents of the Roots of Anemone altaica Fisch. Ex C. A. Mey. A Vegetational Survey of Valley Forests in the Pediment Plain of Altai District of Xinjiang Newly-Recorded Species of Acarospora from Xinjiang Chemical constituents from rhizoma of Anemone altaica Analysis on Characteristics of Flora in South Slope of Altai Mountain Sciuro-hypnum ornellanum (Molendo) Ignatov & Huttunen (Brachytheciaceaae,Bryophyta) Reported New to China New Taxa of Cruciferae Response of tree ring width to recent climate change, south slope of Altai Mountains Quantitative Classification, Ordination and Environmental Analysis of Woody Plant Communities in Xiaodonggou Forest Area of the Altai Mountain, Xinjiang Determination of palmatine hydrochloride in Gymnospermium altaicum by HPLC Determination of palmatine hydrochloride in Gymnospermium altaicum by HPLC Analysis of Constituents of Essential Oil from Anemone altaica Fisch. ex C.A.Mey.