Ecological regionalization of wheat cultivation in Shanxi Province of China Lake nutrient ecosystems in the east-central moist subtropical plain of China Ecological regionalization of poplar cultivating in Tonghua region of Jiling Province The Principle,Method,and Application of Ecological Regionalization—Explanation of the ecological Regionalization Map of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Ecological suitability and regionalization of Pseudostellaria heterophylla(Miq.)Pax ex Pax et Hoffm. in China Scheme of ecological regionalization in China Quantitative Evaluation on Regional Suitability of Medicinal and Ornamental Dichroa febrifuga Lour. Study on the Urban Ecological Regionalization and Forest Distribution in Shanghai, China The essential issues in aquatic ecological function regionalization Ecological Regionalization of Suitable Trees, Shrubs and Herbages for Vegetation Restoration in the Farming-Pastoral Zone of Northern China ECOLOGICAL REGIONALIZATION OF ARID LANDS IN NORTHWESTERN CHINA The objectives,tasks and characteristics of China ecological regionalization Ecology suitability study of Chinese materia medica Gentianae Macrophyllae Radix Study on producing area suitability of genuine traditional Chinese drugs Small scale agroecological regionalization: a case study of the Second Branch of853 State Farm in Sanjiang Plain of Northeastern China