SPECIAL DEMANDS OF CALLUS TO MEDIUM AND INDUCTION OF DIFFERENTIATED STRUCTURES LIKE EMBRYOID IN GLOBULAR STAGE IN MONGOLIAN AMMOPIPTANTHUS Screening the Extracts of Marine Fungi for the Activity of Damaging the DNA of Escherichia coli and Researches on Active Strains RT-PCR Detection of Cucumber Mosaic Virus in the in vitro Differentiated Shoots of Banana DIFFERENTIATED FOREST MANAGEMENT——AN IMPORTANT WAY TOWARDS SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF TROPICAL FORESTRY Isolation Culture and Identification of Bone Marrow-derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells from Arbas Cashmere Goat Effects of isopsoralen on bone marrow stromal stem cells differentiate and proliferate in vitro Temperature and moisture influence somatic embryogenesis and somatic differentiation of immature embryos in different genotype wheat Effect of Free-air CO2 Enrichment on Spikelet Differentiation and Degeneration of Japonica Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Cultivar Wuxiangjing 14