Result and analysis of guidelines to diagnosis and treatment for distending pain in breasts during menstruation in traditional Chinese medicine Guidelines and evaluation indicators of urban ecological landscape construction Exploration of how to formulate guidelines on post-marketing traditional Chinese medicine surveillance Pollution characteristics and potential ecotoxicity risk of heavy metals in surface river sediments of western Hunan Review on requirements of drug allergy or pseudoallergic reactions in pre-clinical evaluation Analysis of pragmatic clinical use of Shuxuening injection Modeling transfer and partitioning of potentially toxic pollutants in soil crop system for human food security Re-estimation of direct nitrous oxide emission from agricultural soils of China via revised IPCC2006 guideline method How to conserve threatened Chinese plant species with extremely small populations? Development of Distinctness, Uniformity and Stability Test Guideline for New Variety of Job’s tears How to conserve threatened Chinese plant species with extremely small populations? Eecond result and analysis of guidelines to diagnosis and treatment for distending pain in breasts during menstruation in traditional Chinese medicine Methods for the Assessment of Plant Species Diversity in Complex Agricultural Landscapes: Guidelines for Data Collection and Analysis from the PLEC Biodiversity Advisory Group (PLEC - BAG) Study on path of transforming traditional Chinese medicine research achievement into guideline Development of a Guideline for the Conduct of Tests for Distinctness, Uniformity and Stability of Chaenomeles New Varieties

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