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rhizosphere microorganism
Rhizosphere microorganism quantity and fungal flora of healthy and infected cucumber plants by
Identification of phenolic acids in tobacco root exudates and their role in the growth of rhizosphere microorganisms
Effects of Different Phosphate-Solubilizing Bacteria on Rhizosphere Microorganism and Enzyme Activities of Pecan Seedlings
Difference of rhizosphere microbe quantity and functional diversity among three flue-cured tobacco cultivars with different resistance.
Microbe quantity and functional diversity in rhizospheres of different cultivars of flue-cured tobacco
Relationship between biomass in ground and underground parts of
Gentiana macrophylla
and its rhizosphere microbial community structure
Influence of Cultivation Time on the Rhizosphere Microbial Diversity of
Syzygium grijsii
and Its PCR-DGGE Analysis
Effects of oat mixed with common vetch on the microorganism populations in rhizosphere soil
Influence of Different Fertilizers to Crop Rhizosphere Microorganisms
Effects of Grafting on Rhizosphere Microbial Populations of Eggplants
Effects of subsoil bulk density on rhizospheric soil microbial population, microbial biomass carbon and nitrogen of corn (Zea mays L.) field
Population Dynamics of Citrus Rhizosphere Microorganisms and Rhizosphere Effect
Relationship between biomass in ground and underground parts of
Gentiana macrophylla
and its rhizosphere microbial community structure
Effects of PSB and AMF on Growth,Microorganisms and Soil Enzyme Activities in the Rhizosphere of
Taxus chinensis
Growth and Microbial Community Characteristics in the Rhizosphere of Poplar in Respond to Pentachlorophenol Stress
Effects of P-efficient transgenic soybean on rhizosphere microbial community
Effects of
REMI mutants on partial ecological factors
The effect of wheat stubble treatment on the activities of microorganisms in the rhizosphere of summer maize(Zea mays L.)
Effects of nitrogen forms on rhizosphere microorganisms and soil enzyme activity under cultivation of contrasting wheat cultivars
Allelopathic Effects of Grafting on Rhizosphere Microorganisms Population of Eggplants
Allelopathic Effects of Grafting on Rhizosphere Microorganisms Population of Eggplants
Microbial carbon utilization in rhizosphere soils of secondary plants in earthquake fault zone of Xinjiang.
Research on
Tripterygium wilfordii
Hook. f. rhizosphere microbial characteristics
The influence of vegetation restoration on soil archaeal communities in Fuyun earthquake fault zone of Xinjiang
Effects of typical plant on soil microbial communities in an Inner Mongolia grassland
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