Studies on the Antioxidative Effect of Constituents of Herba Epimedii (ESPS) Experuneutal Study on Anti-senility Effects of Centipede Effects of Puerarin on Fatty Superoxide in Aged Mice Induced by D-galactose THE MALE-STERILITY OF RICE AND ACCUMULATION OF LIPOFUSCIN-LIKE PIGMENTS IN ANTHERS Studies on the Anti-lipid Peroxidation of DNA from Carp Spermary Effects of Storage Temperature and Initial Moisture Content on Oil Oxidation and Lipofuscin-like Pigments Accumulation of Walnut (Carya cathayensis) Morphological Observation of Effect of Bee Pollen on Intercellural Lipofuscin in NIH Mice Anti-oxidative Action of the Glycosides of Cistanche (GCS)in the Tissues of Mice