Taxonomic Revision of Adiantum ser. Venusta Ching (Pteridaceae) from PanHimalayas* NOTES ON THE BOLETALES FROM EASTERN HIMALAYAS AND ADJACENT OF CHINA N0TES ON FERNS OF THE EAST HIMALAYAS(I ) THE INFLUENCE OF UPLIFT OF HIMALAYAS ON THE FLORISTIC FORMATI0N OF GENUS RHOD0DENDRON THE FLORISTIC CHARACTERISTICS OF THE XIZANG (TlBET) PTERID0PHYTE FLORA IN RELATION TO THE UPHEAVAL OF THE HIMALAYAS Nujiangia (Orchidaceae: Orchideae): A new genus from the Himalayas Meiotic studies in some selected angiosperms from the Kashmir Himalayas Regional Differentiation of Vegetation on the West Kunlun, the West Karakorum, and the North-west Himalaya and the Implication for the Ecological Environment A Simi-Evergreen Broad-Leaf Forest on the South Slope of the Eastern Himalayas Tethys Retreat and Himalayas-Hengduanshan Mountains Uplift and Their Significance on the Origin and development of the Sino-Himalayan Elements and Alpine Flora Evolution of Arctic-Tertiary Flora in Himalayan-Hengduan Mountains THE VEGETATION OF THE BIG BEND GORGE OF YALU TSANGPO RIVER, S.E.TIBET, E. HIMALAYAS The Geographic Distribution of the Genus Caragana in Qinghai-Xizang Plateau and Himalayas

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