CHANGES IN ENDOGENOUS HORMONE CONTENTS IN RELATION TO FLOWER BUD DIFFERENTIATION AND ON-YEAR OR OFF-YEAR FRUITING OF LONGAN Effect of magnesium deficiency on nitrogen metabolism of longan (Dimocarpus longana Lour) seedlings Effect of Aluminum Stress on the Root Exudation of Longan (Dimocarpus longana) Seedlings Dimocarpus longana, Endoganous hormones, Paclobutrazol (PP333) Identification of Large Fruit and Sweet Osmanthus Flavour Sport from‘Shixia’Longan Using RAPD Marker Effects of magnesium deficiency on senescence of Dimocarpus longana leaves Study on the effect of acid rain to tree-longan Effects of exogenous nitric oxide on physiological characteristics of longan (Dimocarpus longana) seedlings under acid rain stress. Identification of Large Fruit and Sweet Osmanthus Flavour Sport from‘Shixia’Longan Using RAPD Marker Effects of simulated acid rain on polyamine contents in young fruits of longan

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