A Preliminary Study of the Regulation and Competition of the Dominant Plant Populations in Xujiaba Region, Ailao Mts Tunnan N Mineralization and Nitrification in a Primary Lithocarpus xylocarpus Forest and Degraded Vegetation in the Ailao Mountain, Yunnan Province Effect of simulated nitrogen deposition on the soil respiration of Lithocarpus glabra and Castanopsis sclerophylla Study on Original Forest Community in Nanyue of Hunan Province Ⅲ.Lithocarpus henryi Forest Dry-Season Dynamics of Soil Inorganic Nitrogen Pools in Primary Lithocarpus xylocarpus Forest and Degraded Vegetation in Ailao Mountain, Yunnan Province The Dominant Species of the Dwarfing Mossy Forest on the Summit of Mt. Ailao in Jingdong Yunnan Lithocarpus pachy Phylloides Variation of leaf traits and seedling growth of Lithocarpus polystachyus in Guangxi A new distribution record and two new synonyms of Lithocarpus Blume (Fagaceae) in China A Study on the Characteristics of Lithocarpus Forest in Guangxi Autonomous Region,China PHOTOSYNTHETIC AND PHYSIOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THREE ANGIOSPERMS OF DIFFERENT EVOLUTIONARY AGES UNDER ACID RAIN STRESS STUDY ON THE ACCUMULATION AND BIOLOGICAL CYCLES OF CHEMICAL ELEMENTS IN LITHOCARPUS XYLOCARPUS FOREST IN NORTH SIDE OF AILAO MOUNTAIN A Study on Pollen Morphology and Ultrastructure of Subfamily Castaneoideae (Fagaceae) in China A New Species of the Genus Lithocarpus (Fagaceae) from Fujian Niche Breadths and Overlaps of Dominant Species of Lithocarpus xylocarpus Community in Ailao Mountains, Yunnan, China NEW TAXA OF FAGACEAE FROM DULONGJIANG A PRELIMINARY STUDY 0N BI0MASS OF LITHOCARPUS XYLOCARPUS FOREST IN XUJIABA REGION, AILAO MTS., YUNNAN