Variation of Urushiol Content in Raw Lacquer and the Bark Structure of Toxicodendron vernicifluum in Different Seasons and Their Correlation The Ethnobotany and Developmental Strategy of “Ba Qi” Advances in studies on dried lacquer and it‘s orginal plant oxicodendron vernicif luian STUDIES ON THE RELATION BETWEEN SYNTHESIS OF LACQUER AND SUBMICROSTRUCTURE OF THE TISSUE WHERE LATICIFEROUS CANAL LIES IN TOXICODENDRON VERNICIFLUM Characteristics of Fallen Wood and Soil Nutrients in Huoditang Forest Region of the Qinling Mountains Structure and Development of Phloem in Toxicodendron vernicifluum A NEW VARIETY OF TOXICODENDRON FROM YUNNAN MORPHOLOGY, ANATOMY AND DEVELOPMENT OF FLORAL NECTARIES IN 4 SPECIES OF NECTARIFEROUS PLANTS Variation Analysis of Oil and Fat Compositions between Chinese Wild Lacquer and Japanese Wild Lacquer Phylogenetic analysis of Toxicodendron (Anacardiaceae) and its biogeographic implications on the evolution of north temperate and tropical intercontinental disjunctions A NEW SPECIES OF THE GENUS TOXICODENDRON FROM YUNNAN