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Deficit irrigation
Effects of deficit irrigation on physio-ecological indices of winter wheat
Effects of continuous deficit irrigation and partial root-zone irrigation on root growth of young apple tree
Regulated deficit irrigation in spring-wheat in Hexi oasis irrigation region
Effect of regulated deficit irrigation and nitrogen fertilization on maize leaf protective system
Effect of regulated deficit irrigation on water use efficiency and fruit quality of mini-watermelon in greenhouse
Effect of regulated deficit irrigation on soil nitrogen in spring wheat fields
Effects of regulated deficit irrigation on soil phosphorus nutrients in spring wheat field
Effects of water deficit on cotton growth,physiology and yield
A preliminary study on the regulated deficit irrigation system of winter wheat
Effects of regulated deficit irrigation on accumulation and distribution of biomass and nitrogen, and yield of island cotton
Ecological stoichiometric characteristics of oasis spring wheat fields under regulated deficit irrigation
Quantitative study of water consumption characteristics of winter wheat under deficit irrigation
Effects of Deficit Drip Irrigation on Development of Muskmelon and Fruit Quality Grown in a Greenhouse
Influences of regulated deficit irrigation on sensory quality and flavor components of tomato
Relationship of Water Use Efficiency with Photoassimilate Accumulation and Transport in Wheat under Deficit Irrigation
Deficit Irrigation as a Strategy to Save Water: Physiology and Potential Application to Horticulture
Regulated deficit irrigation and its application on fruit trees
Effects of water deficit on yield and yield components of cotton
Effects of different irrigation regimes on spatial-temporal distribution of roots, soil water use and yield in winter wheat