Correlation between Protein Body Formation and Storage Protein Accumulation in Soybean Cotyledons Relationship of quality formation and ultrastructure of cotyledon cells in two quality types of peanut THE ULTRASTRUCTURAL STUDY OF PROTEIN BODY IN UNGERMINATED AND GERMINATED TOMATO SEED The Protein Body in Dedifferentiating Cels of Tobacco Leaf Explants CHANGES OF PROTEINBODIES IN COTTON COTYLEDONS DURING GERMINATION HISTOCHEMICAL CHANGES IN SEED GERMINATION PROCESS OF SAGITTARIA GUYANENSIS SUBSP.LAPPULA DEPOSITION AND DEGRADATION OF STORGE RESERVES IN THE EMBRYO OF RANALISMA ROSTRATUM Ultrastructure and Lipase Activity of Cotyledon cell During Pod Development in Peanut Formation of Protein Bodies in Cotyledons of Peanut Seed Patterns of the Transition of Vacuoles into Protein Bodies in Developing Cotyledon Cells of Soybean Accumulation of Storage Protein and Formation of Protein Body during Barley Endosperm Development Observations on the Ultrastructure of the Developing Aleurone and Sub-Aleurone Cells in Coix lacryma-jobi