New Taxa of Leymus from China Effect of ω-Secalin Gene Silencing on Processing Quality of Wheat 1B/1R Translocation Line Effects of Severing Rhizome on Clonal Growth in Rhizomatous Grass Species Psammochloa villosa and Leymus secalinus Isolation and Characterization a Chromosome Maker in Leymus secalinus (Georgi) Tzvel Hetergeneityies of Leymus secalinus ramet population and it‘s soil resources in the Otindag Sandland Effects of Grazing on the Biodiversity and Productivity of Leymus secalinus Communities Effects of Salt Stress on the Ions Uptake and Transport of Leymus secalinus Seedling Effect of Grazing on Diurnal and Seasonal Dynamics of Soil Respiration Rate of Leymus secalinus Communities