Nutrient diagnosis of Fokienia hodginsii seedlings using DRIS STUDIES ON NUTRIENT SYNTHETIC DIAGNOSIS (DRIS) FOR CASTANEA HENRYI PLANTATION Nutrient Diagnosis on Young Stands of Slash Pine by DRIS The growth characteristics of floating\|leaved macrophyte Trapa quadrispinosa in East Taihu Lake Leaf nutrient diagnosis of triploid Populus tomentosa with DRIS Investigation of the Mineral Nutrients Status of Pear Leaves in Main Orchards Around the Bohai Bay Region Application DRIS on winter wheat fertilization in Guanzhong area CYTOCHEMISTRY OF ANTHER AND MICROSPORE DEVELOPMENT IN PHOTO-/THERMO-SENSITIVE GENIC MALE-STERILE RICE Foliar nutrition diagnose of red Fuji apple during different periodsin the Weibei Dry Highland of Shaanxi Province A Study on Foliar Nutrient Diagnosis in Eucalyptus leizhouensis No.1 Pollination Biology and Breeding System of Melastoma dendrisetosum THE NUTRITION STATUS AND FOLIAR NUTRITIONAL DIAGNOSIS OF EUCALYPTUS Investigation of the Mineral Nutrients Status of Pear Leaves in Main Orchards Around the Bohai Bay Region Nutrient Diagnosis of Casuarina equisetifolia Seedlings Using DRIS EFFECT OF SILICON FERTILIZATION ON MAO BAMBOO STANDS A STUDY ON NUTRIENT DIAGNOSES OF PHYLLOSTACHYS PUBESCENS Foliar nutrition diagnosis of Castanea mollissima by using Diagnosis and Recommendation Integrated System