Analysis of Relationships Between Patterns of Vegetation and Soil in Shanxi Plateau Analysis of Relationships between Vegetation and Climate in Shanxi Plateau MULTIVARIATE ANALYSIS OF VEGETATION AND ECOLOGICAL FACTORS ON THE ORDOS PLATEAU, INNER MONGOLIA FUZZY SET ORDINATION AND ITS APPLICATION TWO POLYTHETIC-AGGLOMERATIVE CLUSTERING STRATEGIES THE CLUSTERING AND ORDINATION OF Quercus variabilis ROREST IN MANGHE NATURAL CONSERVATION, SHANXI VEGETATION MAPPING AND ANALYSIS AT LONGMENHE REGION, SHENNONGJIA, CHINA Analyses of Ecological Relations of Subalpine Meadow Wutai Mountains Analysis of relationships between vegetation and climate variables in Loess Plateau A COMPARISON OF FUZZY C-MEANS ALGORITHM CLUSTERING AND TWINSPAN IN VEGETATION CLASSIFICATION