Optimization of wetland landscape patterns based on ecological function evaluation: a case study on the coastal wetlands of Yancheng, Jiangsu Province Study on coastal wetlands use and its ecological protection of Jiangsu Province Similarity of the Floristic Characteristics of Different Coastal Wetlands in China Seasonal variations of leaf nitrogen and phosphorus stoichiometry of three herbaceous species in Hangzhou Bay coastal wetlands, China Vulnerability assessment on the coastal wetlands in the Yangtze Estuary under sea-level rise. Effection of tidal creek system on the expansion of the invasive Spartina in the coastal wetland of Yancheng The changes of coastal wetland landscape pattern based on the characteristics of reclamation: a case study in coastal wetland of Yancheng, Jiangsu Province, China Effects of soil base cation composition on plant distribution and diversity in coastal wetlands of Hangzhou Bay, East China Research progresses on  methanogenesis pathway  and methanogens in coastal wetlands. Review of the current situation of coastal ecological engineering using dredged marine sediments and prospects for potential application in China

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