Some New Taxa from Shandong Province The Leaf Abaxial Epidermis Structures of Cyperus from Shandong Physiological and ecological characteristics of Cyperus malaccensis to Cr6+ stress Methane fluxes of Cyperus malaccensis tidal wetland in Minjiang River estuary. A NEW SPECIES OF CYPERUS FROM YUNNAN Effect of Spartina alterniflora invasion sequence on soil carbon and nitrogen distribution in a Cyperus malaccensis marsh of the Min River estuary in spring Nitrogen removal and nitrogen-transformation bacteria in Cyperus alternifolius constructed wetland Effect of Submergence on Physiological Characteristics of Cyperus rotundus in Hydro-fluctuation Belt of Three Gorges Reservoir Area Revision on the Type of Leaf Trace Bundles of Cyperus rotundus L. Some New Taxa from Shandong Province Diversity of methanogen communities in tidal freshwater and brackish marsh soil in the Min River estuary Effect of seed treatment with extract B from Cyperus rotundus Comparison of nutrient removal ability between Cyperus alternifolius and Vetiveria zizanioides in constructed wetlands Leaf Abaxial Epidermis Structures of Cyperus from Hainan Fruit Shape and Pericarp Micro-morphology of the Cyperus (Cyperaceae) in Shandong Chemical structure of cyperotundic acid from rhizomes of Cyperus rotundus Phytoactivity and Antifungal Activity of Total Alkaloids from Stem of Cyperus iria Cutting effects on growth and wastewater purification of Cyperus alternifolius in constructed wetland A STUDY ON THE MICROSTRUCTURAL FEATURES OF NUTLET SURFACES AND ITS TAXONOMIC SIGNIFICANCE TO CYPERUS(CYPERACEAE) Chemical constituents from rhizomes of Cyperus rotundus