Effects of So ilMo isture on the Ga s-exchange Parameters and Water UseEff ic iency of L on icera japon ica Thunb. Study on the Tran spira tion Dynam ic Var ia tion of Phyllostachys edu lis Measuremen t of the Transpiration Rate of Developing Pear Fruit Response of Transpira tion and Na+ Intake of Seedlingto Cutting Root and NaCl Trea tments Transpira tion Var ia tion of the Poplar Shelterbelts and Its Rela tion to theMeteorolog ica l Factors in the Cropland of North China Plain The Different Ability of Photosynthesis and Transpiration in Different Canopy Positions of Apple with Open-center System The Different Ability of Photosynthesis and Transpiration in Different Canopy Positions of Apple with Open-center System Measuremen t of the Transpiration Rate of Developing Pear Fruit