The behavioral response of the male black cutworm moth to female sex pheromone Windbreak Effects and Wind Velocity Flow Field of Low Density Forest with Two-Line-One-Belt Distribution Patterns of Single-Belt Scheme The wind tunnel test of plastic greenhouse and its surface wind pressure patterns Wind tunnel experiment on canopy structural parameters of isolated tree and wind velocity field characters nearby ULTRASTRUCTURE STUDIES ON THE ATTACK OF UNTREATED AND NCA-TREATED WOODS BY TUNNELLING BACTERIA A TENTATIVE STUDY ON RELATION BETWEEN RESISTANCE AND VENTILATION COEFFICIENT OF SHELTERBELT 不同施肥处理下蔬菜塑料大棚土壤微生物活性及功能多样性 Wind velocity field and windbreak effects in two types of low density and belt-scheme sand-break forests The behavioral responses of Spodoptera exigua(H.) males to the artificial sex pheromone in wind tunnel and filed trapping efficiency Optimization of Combined Osmotic Dehydration and Tunnel Microwave Drying of Pleurotus eryngii Wind erosion-resistance of fields planted with winter rapeseed in the wind erosion region of Northern China A New Eggplant Hybrid ‘Qieza 12’ A New Eggplant Hybrid ‘Qieza 12’ Selective Behaviors of Acantholyda posticalis to Different Trees Effects of Environment on Winter Rapeseed in Hexi Corridor Ammonia volatilization in winter wheat/summer maize rotation system of purple soil in hilly area of Central Sichuan Basin The aerodynamic roughness length of biologicalsoil crusts:a case study of Gurbantunggut Desert Effect of non-tillage with straw mulch on wind erosion in irrigated oases of Hexi Corridor The Study of Living and Inhabiting Tunnel of Monochamus alternatus EXPERIMENTS OF TECHNIQUE OF SEX PHEROMONE PLUS VIRUS DISPENSER IN WIND TUNNEL Wind Speed Distribution in the Aweather of the Firebreak Tree Belt in a Wind Tunnel Experiment STUDIES ON CLOUDY-DUSTING IN PLASTIC TUNNEL Effects of Burrow Space of Plateau Zokor on Vegetation Characters on Alpine Meadows Eco-toxicological effects of four herbicides on typical aquatic snail Pomacea canaliculata and Crown conchs

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