ENGAGING GEOMETRY OF SAW CHAIN WITH SPROCKET AND EFFECTS OF PITCH DEVIATION ON ENGAGEMENT Modeling the Cysteine Rich Domain of Plant Metallothionein-like Protein A New General Biomass Allometric Model Metapopulation dynamics response to the spatial heterogeneity of habitat destruction Evaluation of crop rotation system sustainability in slope land under long-term chemical fertilization based on geometry method Differential geometry expression and analysis of regionalized variables of typical pollutants concentration in terrestrial environment CANOPY GEOMETRICAL STRUCTURE,INTERCEPTION OF PHOTOSYNTHETICALLY ACTIVE RADIATION AND THEIR EFFECTS ON POTENTIAL PRODUCTIVITY OF WINTER WHEAT IN TIBET PLATEAU STUDY ON PLANT COMMUNITY DIVERSITY IN DON LINGSHAN MOUNTAIN,BEIJING CHINA Ⅹ β DIVERSITY AND FRACTAL ANALYSIS ON TRANSECT ON DIFFERENT SCALES Research on Pinus massoniana Geometry Modeling Based on Morphological Characters Architectural Analysis of Crown Geometry in Quercus liaotungensis Architectural analysis of Osmanthus fragrans Crown