Recent development in coral reef bleaching research Enzyme Kinetics of Tara Fiber Residues Before and after Bleaching Study on Blue-Staining Chinese White Poplar Bleached Technique General introduction to satellite remote sensing of coral reef bleachingPAN Yan-Li1,2 , TANG Dan-Ling1,2,* Pilot Preparation and Optical Properties of Highly Purified Phycoerythrin from Porphyra yezoensis Effects of CO2 enrichment in greenhouse on root growth as well as root exudates and bleaching sap of cucumber seedlings Bleaching of Bamboo Kraft Pulp with Alkaline Xylanase The current state of research in scleractinian coral-Symbiodinium symbiosis THE INHIBITION OF SEED VIGOR AND SEEDLING GROWTH OF RICE BY METHYL VIOLOGEN Glyoxylate Reductase Isoform 1 is Localized in the Cytosol and Not Peroxisomes in Plant Cells Advances in pulp making and bleaching by microorganism Low water temperature tolerance and responding mode of scleractinian corals in Sanya Bay. Chemical Composition and Antioxidant Activities of the Essential Oils of Five Magnoliaceae Species from South China Progress of adaptive mechanism of coral and symbiotic algae during bleaching

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