THE LESLIE MATRIX MODEL FOR THE POPULATION DYNAMICS OF DENDROLIMUS TABULAEFORMIS Study on Dynamics of Juglans mandshurica Population from Changbai Mountain Correlation between numeric dynamics and reproductive behaviour in Cypripedium lentiginosum THE BIFURCATION RATIOS AND LEADER BUD DYNAMICS OF Gordonia acuminata VERTICAL DISTRIBUTION OF CHAETOGNATHS IN THE EAST CHINA SEA IN SUMMER OF 1978 POPULATION QUANTITATIVE DYNAMICS OF THE RHIZOMATOUS WOODY CLONAL PLANT EREMOSPARTON SONGORICUM IN CHINA’S GURBANTUGGUT DESERT Numeric dynamics of the endangered plant population of Paeonia ludlowii Numeric dynamics of natural populations of Paeonia delavayi (Paeoniaceae) Climate warming brings about extinction tendency in wild population of Cymbidium sinense