Effects of snow pack on soil nitrogen transformation enzyme activities in a subalpine Abies faxioniana forest of western Sichuan, China. The Critical Period Affecting Fruit Setting of Sweet Cherry in Nanjing Eco-economic Period Threshold for Controlling Weeds in Summer Soybeans in Beijing Region THRESHOLD PERIOD OF WEED CONTROL IN TRANSPLANTED RAPE IN JIANGSU PROVINCE Critical period of weed control in no-tillage summer maize fields Economic threshold and critical period of competition of Flaveria bidentis Temporal and spatial variation of the optimal sowing dates of summer maize based on both statistical and processes models in Henan Province, China. Effects of High Temperature on the Cultures of Isolated Microspores in Brassica campestris ssp. pekinensis The Critical Period Affecting Fruit Setting of Sweet Cherry in Nanjing ECO-ECONOMIC PERID THRESHOLD FOR CONTROLLING BARNYARDGRASS (ECHINOCHLOA CRUS-GALL L ) IN SUMMER SOYBEANS