Effects of Panax notoginseng saponins on myocardial hypertrophy in rats EFFECTS OF E OGENOUS Ca~(2+) ON SENESCENCE OF DETACHED SPINACH LEAVES PROPERTY OF Ca~(2+)-ATPase AND CONTENT OF CALMODULIN FROM KORSHINSK PEASHRUB LEAF AND THEIR RELATIONSHIP WITH DROUGHT RESISTANCE Molecular basis and regulation of plant senescence Ca2+ Effects on the Growth of Cucumber Seedlings and the Anaerobic Respiration Enzymes in their Roots under Rhizosphere Hypoxia Stress Roles of Ca2+ and pH in Pollen Germination and Pollen Tube Growth Effect of Qidan Tongmai Tablet on Ca~(2+) and ultrastructure of myocardial cell in rats Effects of Exogenous Ethylene on Ca2+-ATPase Activity and Membrane Lipid Peroxidation in Postharvest Peach Fruits Ca2+ Distributions in the Developing Connectives of Different Sterile Lines of Rice Effects of Na+ and Ca2+ on the inward K+ current in the plasma membrane of Arabidopsis root cells

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