Biomass and yield of Betula platyphylla population in Mila Mount of Tibet Research on Spatial Structure of Cunninghamia lanceolata Coppice Forest Study on Economic Evaluation of Coppice Forest of Black Locust Growing on Mountainous Region in Central-south Area, Shandong Province Coppice Performance ofEucalyp tus urophylla clone U6 Diurnal variations of water potential and its influencing factors in typical plant communities on coppice dunes of pingtan island The correlation between soil physical and chemical properties and soil microbes in different types of Nitraria dune The Effect of Coppice Number on Its Growth and Productivityin Second Rotation of Eucalyptus urophylla Effect of Coppice Management on Physiological and Biochemical Indexes and Yield of Ginkgo biloba Leaves Effect of Fertilization on Productivity of Second Rotation Coppice of Eucalyptus urophylla in South China Genetic Variation of Srouting Ability on the Trunk Base of Chinese Fir