EFFECTS OF THE RARE EARTH ELEMENT Ce ON THE GROWTH OF WAXY CORN SEEDLING UNDER SIMULATED ACID RAIN Growth and Physiological Indexes of Ixora collinea ‘Gillettese How’ under NaCl Stress Osmoticregulation in Two Limonium Mill. Callus under NaCl Stress Growth and Physiological Indexes of Cucumber Seedlings with Na2CO3 Stress Comparative Analyses of Some Physiological Characters of Watermelon Seedlings under 10℃ and 15℃ Low Temperature Treatments Physiological Effects of Cerium on Seed Germination and Seeding of Eggplant under Chilling Stress Chromosomal Positioning of the Genes of Water Use Efficiency and Concerned Physiological Traits in Wheat Leaves Studies on physiological index of some halophytes The Impact of Drought Stress on Physiological Indicators of Four Shrub Species on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Physiological characteristics of Pinus densiflora var. zhangwuensis and Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica seedlings on sandy lands under salt-alkali stresses. Restoration dynamics after waterlogging of Carex thunbergii on leaf physiological indexes and above-ground nutritions PHYSIOLOGICAL RESPONSES AND TOLERANCE EVALUATION OF PUMPKIN TO Na_2CO_3 STRESS DURING SEED GERMINATION Study on Changes of Carbon and Nitrogen of Bolting in Lettuce Caused by High Temperature EFFECTS OF CADMIUM AND IRON ON THE SOME PHYSIOLOGICAL INDICATORS IN LEAVES OF TOBACCO Studies on the Salinity Tolerance in Seedling Stage Varietal Differences of Among Five Cultivaors of Truf Poa pratensis Effects of Seed Pelleting on Seed Germination and Physiological Indexes of Forages