Isolation and identification of lipoidal constituents in Setaria italica ( Ⅱ ) Traits of canopy respiration and its relationship with canopy photosynthesis in summer-sowing millet (Setaria italica Beauv.) Male Sterility Induced by Chemical Hybridizing Agent SQ-1 in Setaria italica Beauv. MORPHOLOGICAL AND CYTOLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS OF DOUBLE FERTILIZATION IN SETARIA ITALICA Isolation and identification of lipide from Setaria italica Ⅰ ELECTRONIC SCANNING OBSERVATION OF DEVELOPMENTAL MORPHOLOGY OF INFLORESCENCE IN FOXTAIL MILLET THE DEVELOPMENT OF EMBRYO AND ENDOSPERM IN SET ARIA IT ALICA BEAUV Traits of Canopy Photosynthesis and Its Influencing Factors of Summer-sowing Millet(Setaria italica Beauv.)