Inorganic phosphorus in a regosol (purple) soil under long-term phosphorus fertilization Effect of potassium rates on rice yields and potassium application efficiency in double-rice cropping system under a 5-year located experiment Effect of long-term single application of chemical fertilizer on soil properties and crop yield Influence of long-term fertilization on phosphorus fertility of calcareous soil Ⅱ.Inorganic and organic phosphorus. Influence of long-term fertilization on phosphorus fertility of calcareous soil I. Organic matter,total phosphorus and available phosphorus Initial Response of Plant Functional Groups Abundance to Simulated Climatic Change in Alpine Meadow Ecosystems Effects of long-term mixed application of organic manure and chemical fertilizers on farmland weed soil seedbank Effects of long-term rice straw returning on the fertility and productivity of purplish paddy soil