A Review on the Sources,Distribution and Metabolism of PCBs in Plants The phytoremediation of the sediments contaminated with PCBs by mangrove species Kandelia candel PHYTOREMEDIATION OF POLYCHLORINATED BIPHENYLS CONTAMINATED SOILS: MECHANISMS,HEREDITARY DEFECTS AND TRANSGENIC TECHNOLOGY Toxicity risks to the closed tidal flat ecosysten of a PCBs waste savepoint at the coast of Zhejiang Advances in anaerobic degradation of polychlorinated organic compounds (PCOCs) in soils and sediments Eco-physiological responses of Kandelia candel seedlings to polychlorinated biphenylw(PCBs) treatment Research advances in microbial dechlorination of polychlorinated biphenyls. RESEARCH ADVANCE ON MICROBIAL TRANSFORMATION AND DEGRADATION PATHWAY OF POLYCHLORINATED BIPHENYLS

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