A STUDY ON THE COMPOUND CONTROL THRESHOLD OF Pinus armandi BLISTER RUST AND Pineus armandicola Study on Relationship between Forest Factors and Occurrence of Pinus armandii Blister Rust A New Record of Listera from Mainland China-Listera japonica Bl. Advances on Research and Utilization of Elite Resistant Resource–Barbarea vulgaris Advances on Research and Utilization of Elite Resistant Resource–Barbarea vulgaris Dynamics of endogenous phytohormone in broad bean leaf infected by Olpidium Viciae Study on the Quinolone-resistant Mechanisms of Listeria monocytogenes Effects of GC Clamps on RpoB-PCR-DGGE Fingerprint of Three Types of Food Borne Pathogens New Taxa of Orchidaceae from China (2) IRRADIATION OF MICROBIAL CONTROLLING ON PACKAGED DOUFU Ants pollinate Neottia listeroides (Orchidaceae) in Sichuan, China