Studies on the effect of zuelaemycin producing actinomycetes strain S-5120 on downy mildew of cucumber Control and growth promotion of PopW to cucumber downy mildew under greenhouse and field conditions MICROSCOPICAL AND ULTRASTRUCTURAL STUDIES ON THE RESISTANCE OF CUCUMBER TO PSEUDOPERONOSPORA CUBENSIS Role of Nitric Oxide and Calcium Signaling in Oxalate-induced Resistance of Cucumber Leaves to Pseudoperonospora cubensis CROSS-RESISTANCE IN PSEUDOPERONOSPORA CUBENSIS AND PLASMOPARA VITICOLA AGAINST DIFFERENT SYSTEMIC FUNGICIDES THE INHIBITORY EFFECTS OF COMPOST EXTRACTS ON CUCUMBER DOWNY MILDEW AND THE POSSIBLE MECHANISM THE SYNERGISM IN THE MIXTURES OF DIFFERENT FUNGICIDES WITH CYMOXANIL ON TWO KINDS OF DOWNY MILDEW Construction of cDNA Library from Cucumber Leaves Infection by Pseudoperonospora cubensis and Screening of Resistance-related Genes The Relation of Pathogenesis Action by Pseudoperonospora cubensis and TwoS0rt of Zymin in Cucumber Purification and Identification of a Pathogenesis-related Protein in Intercellular Fluids of Cucumber Leaves Induced by BTH Construction of cDNA Library from Cucumber Leaves Infection by Pseudoperonospora cubensis and Screening of Resistance-related Genes Purification and Identification of a Pathogenesis-related Protein in Intercellular Fluids of Cucumber Leaves Induced by BTH Several infection factors of Pseudoperonospora cubensis Cloning Whole Cellulose-Synthesizing Operon (ayacs Operon) fromAcetobacter xylinumand Transforming It into Cultivated Cotton Plants Research Progress of Radiation/ Desiccation Response Motif in Deinococcus radiodurans Effects of silicon on the efficacy of downy mildew control and the activities of defense-related enzymes in cucumber The effect of high temperature regulation on the infection of Pseudoperonospora cubensis The Relation of Pathogenesis Action by Pseudoperonospora cubensis and TwoS0rt of Zymin in Cucumber