Environmental fate and ecological effects of Bt toxin from transgenic Bt crops i n soil A REVIEW OF RESPONSES OF LITTER DECOMPOSITION IN TERRESTRIAL ECOSYSTEMS TO GLOBAL WARMING Mathematical model of wheat straw decomposition rate in farmland with different levels of fertilization Woody plant leaf litter consumption by the woodlouse Porcellio scaber with a choice test Home-field advantage of litter decomposition and its soil biological driving mechanism: a review Managing farmland soil food web: principles and methods Methyl bromide fumigation suppressed the soil food web in tomato greenhouse Distribution of Soil Microorganism in the Soil of L. chinensis Grass-lands in Northeastern China Plain and Their Relations with Soil Factors Soil pollution and soil organisms: an overview of research progress and perspectives A review on mechanisms of soil organic carbon stabilization Advances in safety studies of soil Bt toxin proteins released from transgenic Bt crops

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