Growth, Architecture and Cell Distribution in Phaeocystis globosa Colonies Effects of terrestrial input on the harmful algal bloom area-with aluminum as an example The relationships between the occurrences of red tides (HABs) and eutrophication in coastal waters Early-warning and prediction technology of harmful algal bloom: A review Redescription of Prorocentrum donghaiense Lu and comparison with relevant Prorocentrum species Occurrence characteristics of akashiwo sanguinea bloom caused by land source rainwater Dinoflagellate heterotrophy The effects of Prorocentrum donghaiense and Alexandrium catenella on the material transfer in a simulated marine food chain Inhibitory effects of rice straw and barely straw on the growth on Phaeocystis

Inhibitory Effects on Phaeocystis globosa and Chemical Composition of Extracts from Straws under Different Conditions BIOLOGICAL STRATEGIES IN CONTROLLING OR MITIGATING MARINE HARMFUL ALGAL BLOOMS (HABS) The importance of reduced nitrogen in a natural Prorocentrum minimum bloom-a model approach Spatial and temporal distribution of silicate and chlorophyll a in the coastal waters with picophytoplankton algal bloom Effect of Nitrogen Sources on the growth of Phaeocystis globosa A review on interaction between marine ecosystem and harmful algal blooms