Anatomy and ontogeny of unisexual flowers in dioecious Woonyoungia septentrionalis (Dandy) Law (Magnoliaceae) Floral Organogenesis of Kmeria septentrionalis(Magnoliaceae) IDENTIFICATION OF MICHELIA TSOI TYPES USING ISSR-PCR MARKER ASSAYS Studies on the Genetic Diversity and Relationship of Manglietia hainanensis Dandy by ISSR Root Induction During Tissue Culture of Michelia chapensis Dandy GC-MS analysis of volatile components from barks of Michelia macclurei and their inhibition on in vitro growth of HepG2 cells Taxonomic Notes on the Genus Kmeria (Pierre) Dandy (Magnoliaceae) Comparative Study on Community Natural Recovery of Kmeria septentrionalis Dandy (Magnoliaceae) after 5 Years A Preliminary Study on the Wood Anatomy of Manglietia aromatica Dandy [ GC-MS analysis of volatile components from barks of Michelia macclurei and their inhibition on in vitro growth of HepG2 cells Root Induction During Tissue Culture of Michelia chapensis Dandy