Leaf Volatiles Induced by Mechanical Damage from Diverse Taxonomic Tree Species The Influence of Plant Diversity and Functional Composition on Ecosystem Stability of Four StipaCommunities in the Inner Mongolia Plateau The Structure and Antifungal Functions of Vegetative Propagation Corm of Gastrodia elata Study on Population Genetic Structure in Castanopsis fargesii with Microsatellite Markers Expression Patterns of a Vernalization-related Genes Responding to Jasmonate Cytodifferentiation of the Seeds (Protocorms) and Vegetative Propagation Corms Colonized by Mycorrhizal Fungi Study on the Adaptation of Certain Species to Light Condition Under the Deciduous Broad-leaved Forests in Southern Germany?aTaking the Forest Communities in Kra ichtal, Germany as an Example Effect of Phosphorus Deficiency Stress on Rice Lateral Root Growth and Nutrient Absorption Three Salts of Labdanic Acids from Andrographis paniculata (Acanthaceae) (in English) Structure and Dynamics of Abies fabri Population Near the Alpine Timberline in Hailuo Clough of Gongga Mountain Distribution and Conservation of an Endangered Wild Rice Oryza granulata in China Patterns of Genetic Diversity and Population Structure of the Clonal Herb, Potentilla fragarioides var. sprengeliana (Rosaceae) in Korea A Physiological-ecological Simulation Model of Maize Growth Isolation of Zizania latifolia Species-specific DNA Sequences and Their Utility in Identification of Z. latifolia DNA Introgressed into Rice Phylogenetic Relationships of Diploid Species in Aegilops Inferred from the ITS Sequences of Nuclear Ribosomal DNA Advances in Molecular Biology of Plant Isoprenoid Metabolic Pathway Cone and Ovule Development in Platycladus orientalis (Cupressaceae) (in English) The Relation Between C4 Pathway Enzymes and PSII Photochemical Function in Soybean Intercellular Symplastic Connection and Isolation of the Unloading Zone in Flesh of the Developing Grape Berry Growth Response of Wheat Roots to Phosphorus Deficiency COMPARISON OF RAINFALL REDISTRIBUTION IN TWO ECOSYSTEMS IN MINJIANG UPPER CATCHMENTS, CHINA REVIEW OF MODELLING THE DISTRIBUTION OF PLANT SPECIES POPULATION DYNAMICS DURING SUCCESSION OF SECONDARY NATURAL FOREST IN DAQINGSHAN, GUANGXI, CHINA A COMPARATIVE STUDY ON HEAT AND DROUGHT TOLERANCE BETWEEN SALIX GORDEJEVII AND SALIX BABYLONICA KRANZ ANATOMY AND C4 PHOTOSYNTHETIC CHARACTERISTICS OF TWO DESERT PLANTS, HALOXYLON AMMODENDRON AND CALLIGONUM MONGOLICUM EFFECTS OF NITROGEN ADDITIONS ON A LEYMUS CHINENSIS POPULATION IN TYPICAL STEPPE OF INNER MONGOLIA VARIATION IN THE δ13C VALUE OF TYPICAL PLANTS OF LOESS PLATEAU OVER THE LAST 70 YEARS COMMUNITY STUDIES ON THE STATUS OF THE ENDANGERED PLANT, BERCHEMIELLA WILSONII VAR. PUBIPETIOLATA, USING INTERSPECIFIC ASSOCIATION ANALYSIS INTERSPECIFIC RELATIONSHIP ANALYSIS OF DESERT RIPARIAN FOREST PLANT COMMUNITIES IN THE MIDDLE AND LOWER REACHES OF THE TARIM RIVER HEAVY METAL TOLERANCE AND HYPERACCUMULATION OF HIGHER PLANTS AND THEIR MOLECULAR MECHANISMS: A REVIEW AGE STRUCTURE DYNAMICS OF EUPATORIUM ADENOPHORUM POPULATIONS AND ITS IMPLICATIONS FOR CONTROL SURVIVAL ANALYSIS OF ABIES FAXONIANA POPULATIONS NEAR TIMBERLINE ON THE UPPER MINJIANG RIVER PALAEO_BIODIVERSITY AT THE NORTHERN PIEDMONT OF TIANSHAN MOUNTAINS IN XINJIANG DURING THE MIDDLE TO LATE HOLOCENE CORRELATION ANALYSIS OF NDVI DIFFERENCE SERIES AND CLIMATE VARIABLES IN XILINGOLE STEPPE FROM 1983 TO 1999 IMPROVING HEAVY METAL TOLERANCE OF YEAST BY TRANSFERRING A PHYTOCHELATIN SYNTHASE GENE FROM GARLIC A PRELIMINARY STUDY ON THE DISTRIBUTION PATTERNS AND CHARACERISTICS OF AMMOPIPTANTHUS MONGOLICUS POPULATIONS IN DIFFERENT DESERT ENVIRONMENTS THE IMPACT OF UREA AMENDMENTS ON ATMOSPHERIC GAS REGULATION SERVICES IN RICE PADDY ECOSYSTEMS AND THEIR VALUATION CHARACTERISTICS OF THE LEAF EPIDERMIS OF CARAGANAPLANTS ON THE ORDOS PLATEAU AND THEIR ECOLOGICAL ADAPTATIONS A PRELIMINARY STUDY ON THE RE_INITIALIZATION/RE_PARAMETERIZATION OF A CROP MODEL BASED ON REMOTE SENSING DATA Studies on the Adaptation of Taxus media cv. Hicksii to Natural Temperature Reduction RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN CLIMATE CHANGE AND VEGETATION IN BEIJING USING REMOTE SENSED DATA AND PHENOLOGICAL DATA POPULATION CHARACTERISTICS OF YEW (TAXUS CUSPIDATA) IN THE MULING YEW NATURE RESERVE, HEILONGJIANG PROVINCE ELEVEN-YEAR POPULATION GROWTH DYNAMICS OF MAJOR SPECIES IN A QUERCUS LIAOTUNGENSIS FOREST IN THE DONGLING MOUNTAINS, NORTHERN CHINA CORRELATION ANALYSIS OF LANDSAT TM DATA AND ITS DERIVED DATA, METEOROLOGICAL DATA AND TOPOGRAPHIC DATA WITH THE BIOMASS OF DIFFERENT AGED TROPICAL FORESTS STUDIES ON THE REPRODUCTION AND PHOTOSYNTHETIC ECOPHYSIOLOGY OF THE EXOTIC INVASIVE PLANT, PLANTAGO VIRGINICA PERSISTENT SOIL SEED BANK OF EUPATORIUM ADENOPHORUM Pollination Biology of Ficus Auriculata Lour.in Tropical Rainforest of Xishuangbanna Changes in Plant Competition with the Development of Gaps Allozyme Diversity in Natural Populations of Betula Alnoides from Guangxi, China A Study on Relationship Between the Seed Crop in the Chinese Fir Orchards and Meteorological Factors Effect o Potassium on Sucrose Content of Flag Leaves and Starch Accumulation of Kernels in Wheat Decomposition of Plant Residue as Influenced by its Lignin and N Itrogen Advances of the Study on Species Abundance Pattern Interconnection Among Dominant Plant Populations of Castanopsis Community in Jinggang Mountain Nature Reserve The Organic Carbon Distribution and Flow in Wetland Soil-plant System in Ruoergai Plateau Simulation Studies on Carbon and Nitrogen Accumulation and its Allocation Pattern in Forest Ecosystems of Heshan in Low Subtropical China Analysis of Grey Relatedness Between the Modular Structure of Reaumuria soongorica Population in the Desert of Fukang, Xinjiang and the Environmental Factors Clonal Architecture and Ramet Population Characteristics of Leymus chinensis from Different Habitats in the Xilin River Watershed Regional Differentiation of Vegetation on the West Kunlun, the West Karakorum, and the North-west Himalaya and the Implication for the Ecological Environment Comparative Study on Microclimate of Vegetation over Different Successional Stages of Castanopsis Platyacantha-Schima sinensis Formation in the Central Subtropical Zone in Sichuan Province Relationship Between Growth Redundancy and Size Inequality in Spring Wheat Populations Mulched with Clear Plastic Film Influence of Grazing Rate on Population Structure of Stipa grandis Population Restoration of Oryza rufipogon II. Population Dynamics Litter Decomposition and Nutrient Release in a Mixed Forest of Cuuinghamia lanceolata and Tsoongiodentron odorum(in English) Effects of Zinc on Rhizobia-Earleaf Acacia (Acacia auriculaeformis) Symbiotic Association Spatial Pattern of the Plant Community Along a Sand-Covered Hillslope in Ordos Plateau of China Nutrient Cycling of N and P by a Mixed Forest of Cunninghamia lanceolata and Tsoongiodendron odorum in Subtropical China Photosynthetic Responses of a Subtropical Forest Shrub£¨Pachysandra terminalis£?to Simulated Lightflecks Effects of Simulated Acid Rain Stress on Gas Exchange and Chlorophyll a Fluorescence Parameters in Leaves of Longan A Study of Genetic Diversity of the Populations of Tsoongiodendron odorum Fractal Characteristics of the Height Structure of Bruguiera gymnorrhiza Population Effect of Phenolics on 15N Nutrient Absorption and Distribution of Cunninghamia lanceolata Distribution Patterns of Aboveground Biomass in Tibetan Alpine Vegetation Transects(in English) APPLICATIONS OF MICROSATELLITES IN POPULATION BIOLOGY ADVANCES IN MOUNTAIN MICROCLIMATE SIMULATION INTERSPECIFIC RELATIONSHIPS AND ENVIRONMENTAL INTERPRETATION OF THE MAIN TREE SPECIES IN THE FOREST COMMUNITIES OF ZHUWEIGOU IN LISHAN MOUNTAIN NATURE RESERVE The Effects of Grazing on Age Structure in Clonal Populations of Agropyron michnoi A Paternity Analysis of Seeds from Different Clones in a Pinus tabulaeformis Carr. Seed Orchard. The Regulation of Light Intensity to Antioxidative Ability in Leaves of Four Subtropical Forest Plant Relationships Between Environment and Spatial Pattern of Vegetation Types in the Mid Tianshan Mountains