Remote sensing and GIS based comparison of land-use classification methods and data mining for degree of land degradation: a case study in Leilongwan Area, Hengshan County, Shannxi Province Diagnosis of the Degree of Degradation of an Ecosystem: the Basis and Precondition of Ecological Restoration Quantitative measurement on degradation degree of ecosystem in hilly region of western Liaoning Province A model to assess the degradation degree of damaged evergreen broad-leaved forest ecosystem Study on the Soil Organic Carbon Density of Alpine Meadow with Different Degradation Degrees in Eastern Qilian Mountains Vegetation restoration in western Liaoning hilly region: A study based on succession theory and degradation degree of ecosystem Study on the Relationship between Species Variation and Productivity of Different Degraded Plant Communities on Leymus chinensis Research Progress of Grassland Degraded Succession and Diagnosis