EFFECT OFBORAX AND CYSTEAMINE COMPOUND AGENT ON FINISHING SHEEP GROWTH PERFORMANCE, NITROGEN RETENTION, SERUM BIOCHEMICAL INDICES AND PROTEIN TURN-OVER Physiological responses of two poplar species to high boron stress Simulation of vegetation indices optimizing under retrieval of vegetation biochemical parameters based on PROSPECT+SAIL model. Milk production, nitrogen excretion and blood biochemical parameter responses to dietary addition of compound yeast cultures in dairy cows Effect of long-term feeding of high concentrate diet on plasma biochemical parameters and expression of genes involved in glucose metabolism in lactating goats Mixed silage of potato pulp and corn straw affects growth performance, ruminant environments and blood biochemical parameters of mutton sheep Effects of Total Saponins of Semen Ziziphi Spinosae on Brain Damages and Brain Biochemical Parameters under Cerebral Ischemia of Rats EFFECTS OF DIFFERENT DIETARY CATION-ANION BALANCE AND CELLULASE ON BLOOD BIOCHEMICAL INDEXES IN SHEEP