作 者 :梁士楚
期 刊 :植物生态学报 1996年 20卷 4期 页码:310-321
Keywords:Yingluo Bay, Mangroves, Community structure, Community dynamics,
摘 要 :对广西英罗湾红树植物群落的种类组成、类型、外貌、结构、物种多样性和演替等进行了较系统的探讨。组成群落的优势红树植物有木榄、红海榄、秋茄、桐花树、白骨壤和海漆6种,隶属6属4科。主要的群落类型有木揽群落、木榄+红海榄群落、红海榄群落、红海榄+秋茄群落、秋茄群落、秋茄+桐花树群落、秋茄+白骨壤群落、桐花树群落、白骨壤群落、白骨壤+桐花树群落和海漆群落等11个群系。群落外貌由单叶、革质、全缘、中型叶的高位芽植物决定。群落层次结构简单.单层或两层。和陆地植物群落相比较,组成群落的红树植物的物种多样性较低。受潮滩土壤质地、养分状况、环境盐度和潮淹程度以及红树植物自身对盐渍生境的适应性等因子制约,群落的分布形成了明显的生态系列。随着海平面的相对降低和土壤理化性质的改善,群落具有向陆生植物群落演化的趋势。
Abstract:This paper deals with the characters of the flora, type, physiognomy, structure, species diversity and succession of the mangrove communities in Yingluo Bay of Gauangxi. In this district ,the mangrove communities consist of 6 species belonging to 6 genera in 4 families. Using clustering analysis, twenty two plots of the mangrove communities were classified into eleven formations. The classification results are: (l) Form Bruguinera gymnorrhiza, (2)form Bruguieira gymnorrhiza+ Rhizophora stylosa, ( 3 ) Form Rhizophora stylosa , (4) form Rhizophora stylosa+ Kandelia candel, ( 5 )form Kandelia candel, ( 6 )Form Kandelia candel+ Aegicerad corniculatum, ( 7 ) Form Kandelia candel + Avicennia marina, (8)Form Aegiceras corniculatum , ( 9 )Form Avicennia marina, ( 10 ) Form Avecennia marina + Aegiceras corniculatum and ( 11 ) Form Excoecaria agallocha. The physiognomy of the mangrove communities was dominated by both the life form (Rannkiaer’s system,1967)with phanerophyte and the leave characters with mesophylls,coriaceous texture,single form and entire margin. The structure of the mangrove communities was rather simple, one layer or two layers. The constructive species and dominant species of the mangrove communities were evident. Compared with those of terrestrial plant communities, the species diversity indices of the mangrove communities were much low. Under the influence of soil texture, nutrition, environment salinity as well as the mangrove’s adaptability to the salt environment, various types of the mangrove communities form evident ecological series. Along with the relative reduction of sea level and physical and chemical amendment of the soils, the mangrove community succession was gradual and progressive, from simple pioneer stage to the ultimate or terrestrial stage. The succession change was brought about by the mangrove themselves an the habitat. At each succession stage, the mangrove species modified the environment to be less suitable for themselves but more suitable for others. Thus the species replacement was orderly and predictable, and permited directionality for succession. With the modification of the soils from sandy, silt to clay, the changes of the mangrove communities were sequential. On the basis of their development and zonation, the typical successive series of the mangrove communities in Yingluo Bay are as Fig. 2.
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