Abstract:The plant communities in the Maxian Mountain Forest Region were classified and ordinated using Two-way Indicator Species Analysis (TWINSPAN), PCA (Prinicipal Components Analysis), RA(Reciprocal Averaging) and DCA (Detrended Correspondence Analysis). Thirty-two plant community samples are classified into seven formations and two vegetation types of higher class. The classification results are: Ⅰ. Hill forest: (1)Form. Populus davidiana + Betula platyphylla (2) Form. Picea wilsonii (3) Form. Picea wilsonii+ Betula platyphylla + Populus davidiana (4) Form. Populus davidiana + Salix paralesis + Betula utilis, Ⅱ. Hill shrub: (1) Form. Salix paraplesis +Betula utilis (2) Form. Betula utilis +Rhododendron rufum+ Rhododendron anthopogonoides (3) Form. Rhododendron rufum+Rhododendron anthopogonoides. The first axis of DCA ordination reflected elevation gradient. The second axis was shade gradient. The methods used in this paper were compared and discussed.