Influences of slope aspect on the growth of Sabina przewalskii along an elevation gradient in China’s Qinghai Province A REVIEW OF GRADIENT CHANGES IN SPECIES DIVERSITY OF LAND PLANT COMMUNITIES Variations of soil microbial biomass across four different plant communities along an elevation gradient in Wuyi Mountains,China Plant diversity patterns along altitudinal gradients in alpine meadows in the Three River Headwater Region, China Stability of Relationship between Climate and Picea crassifolia Radial Growth in Different Elevations Numerical Classification, Ordination and Species Diversity along Elevation Gradients of the Forest Community in Kunyu Mountain The Pattern of Variations of Hippophea gyantsensis(Rousi) Lian along an Elevation Gradient in Lhasa Valley,Tibet,China Correlation of Seed Mass with Elevation Dynamic characteristics of litterfall and nutrient return of four typical forests along the altitudinal gradients in Mt. Shennongjia, China Size structure and spatial pattern of Quercus liaotungensis population along elevation gradient in Dongling Mountain, Beijing Soil CO2 emission distribution along an elevation gradient and the controlling factors in the forest ecosystem Genetic Diversity of Acer ginnala Populations at Different Elevation in Qiliyu Based on ISSR Markers Influence of Grassland Ecosystems Shift on Soil Organic Carbon in the Karst Mountain Area of Guizhou Province Quantitative Classification and Ordination of Vegetation in Maxian Mountain Forest Region Seasonal Dynamics of Soil Microbial Biomass Carbon-Nitrogen in the Korean Pine Mixed Forests along Elevation Gradient Variation of Soil Microbial Community along Elevation in the Shennongjia Mountain Soil microbial diversity under typical vegetation zones along an elevation gradient in Helan Mountains Responses of radial growth in Larix principis-rupprechtii to climate change along an elevation gradient on the southern slope of Luya Mountain Numerical classification, ordination and species diversity along elevation gradients of the forest community in Xiaoqinling Responses of radial growth to climate warming in Picea meyeri trees growing at different elevations on the southern slope of Luya Mountain Variations of soil microbial community diversity along an elevational gradient in mid-subtropical forest Analysis of species diversity of plant communities and its correlation with soil characteristics on northern slope of Laotudingzi Mountain,Liaoning Province Soil stoichiometry characteristics at different elevation gradients of a mountain in an area with high frequency debris flow: a case study in Xiaojiang Watershed, Yunnan Analysis of interspecific associations among major tree species in three forest communities on the north slope of Changbai Mountain The Seed Rain and Soil Seed Bank of Endangered Amygdalus mongolica Variation of Chloroplast Pigments of Various Age Leaves along Elevation Gradients of Dominant Species in Castanopsis carlessi Forests in Lingshishan National Forest Park Fruiting Characteristics of Abies georgeivar. smithiiForest on the Eastern Slope of the Sejila Mountain in Tibet

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