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Response of Net Photosynthetic Rate in 18-year-old China Fir Shoots To Lightflecks


对18年生杉木(Cunninghamia lanceolata(Lamb.)Hook.)当年生针叶净光合速率(Pn)对不同时间和强度的猝发性辐射和模拟光斑响应的研究表明:经长时间低光或暗处理后针叶的Pn对猝发性连续强光的响应呈S形曲线,约需10~15min的光诱导才能达到相应光强下的最大值;猝发性辐射强度越大,所需光诱导时间越长;低光期越长,低光期辐射越小,所需光诱导期越长;但只要光斑间隔不是太长,针叶仍可保持原有的光诱导状态。针叶Pn对单个瞬时光斑的响应与光斑前的光诱导状态和光斑时间长短有关,充分诱导的针叶Pn对光斑的响应较未诱导或未充分诱导的针叶要灵敏得多,光斑时间延长可提高光诱导状态,从而提高Pn。光斑消失后Pn缓慢下降表明针叶对光斑的响应存在明显的光后CO2固定,在瞬时光斑较多的林内,光后CO2固定可占总同化量的相当大比例。

The response of net photosynthetic rate (Pn) in new growth shoots of 18-year-old China fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata (Lamb.)Hook. ) to sudden exposure to high-light and lightflecks was measured and is discussed in this paper. Pn showed a S-shape response to sudden exposure following a period of low-light or darkness adaptation, and 10-15 minutes of photo induction was required for Pn to attain its maximum level. With increasing intensity of the high-light exposure a longer induction period was required. Longer exposure and/or lower levels of low-light also increased the induction period. Following the passage of the initial light fleck shoots showed a hysteretic response by maintaining an induction state during non-consecutive light-flecks unless lightflecks were separated by a long period of low light. The response of Pn to instantaneous light-flecks depended on induction status and light-fleck duration; fully inducted shoots could respond, more rapidly than low or non-inducted shoots; the raised photo induction associated with light-flecks of longer length could thus contribute to increased Ph. The slow decrease of Pn after light-flecks suggested that there existed postillumination CO2 fixation, and that in canopies with frequent instantaneous light-flecks, a great proportion of assimilation might be the result of postillumination CO2 fixation.

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