Abstract:Ozone (O3) is highly beneficial in many ways, such as filtering ultraviolet radiation in the upper atmosphere, but O3 at ground level is a serious pollutant. High O3 concentration causes the damage to plants ranging from minimal visible symptoms to substantial inhibition of productivity, and species-or cultivar-specific responses exist. Interactions between plants and herbivorous insect pests or plant pathogens may be affected by O3. Decreased carbon flow above- and below-ground in high O3 environment could significantly decrease biodiversity. Therefore, O3 will affect terrestrial ecosystems substantially. The following aspects are suggested to be further studied in China: 1) the comparison and selection of plant species or cultivars with high O3 resistance, 2) the possible methods which can alleviate O3 damage to plants, 3) O3 effects on the natural ecosystems in China, and 4) the positive function of vegetation in decreasing O3 pollution.