全 文 :天然产物研究与开发 Nat Prod Res Dev 2011,23:440-442,457
Received October 9,2009;Accepted January 15,2010
* Corresponding author Tel:86-351-3629665;E-mail:maxuemei@ live.
nuc. edu. cn
马雪梅* ,马文兵
中北大学化工与环境学院,太原 030051
摘 要:从中华小苦荬全草的乙酸乙酯提取物中分离得到 8 个萜类化合物,通过波谱方法及文献对照分别鉴定
为 β-香树脂素(1) ,3β-羟基-20(30)-蒲公英甾烯(2) ,熊果-12-烯-3β-醇(3) ,羽扇豆醇(4) ,10-羟基艾里莫芬-7
(11)-烯-12,8α-内酯(5) ,乌苏-12,20(30)-二烯-3β,28-二醇(6) ,3β,8α-二羟基-6β-当归酰基艾里莫芬-7(11)-
烯-12,8β-内酯(7)和乌苏酸(8) ,化合物 1 ~ 8 均首次从该植物中分离得到。
中图分类号:R284. 2;Q946. 91 文献标识码:A
Terpenoids from Ixeridium chinense (Thunb.)Tzvel.
MA Xue-mei* ,MA Wen-bing
College of Chemical Engineering and Environment,North University of China,Taiyuan 030051,China
Abstract:Eight terpenoids have been isolated from the ethyl acetate extract of Ixeridium chinense (Thunb.)Tzvel by u-
sing column chromatography and preparative thin layer chromatography. Structures for all these compounds were proposed
on the basis of spectroscopic data,together with comparing their spectral data with those of the corresponding compounds
reported in the literature. They were identified as β-amyrin (1) ,3β-hydroxyl-20(30)-taraxastene (2) ,olean-12-ene-3β-
ol (3) ,lupol (4) ,10-hydroxyeremophil-7(11)-en-12,8α-olide (5) ,ursan-12,20(30)-dien-3β,28-diol (6) ,3β,8α-
dihydroxyl-6β-angloxyeremophil-7(11)-en-12,8β-olide (7)and ursolic acid (8). Compounds 1-8 were obtained from
this plant for the first time.
Key words:Ixeridium chinense;terpenoids;chemical constituents
Ixeridium chinense,a herbaceous perennial plant be-
longing to the Compositae family,is widly distributed in
Shanxi,Shandong and Henan provinces of China grow-
ing at 230-4700 m above sea level. It is valued as deli-
cious and nutritional potherb[1-3]. Up to now,its chemi-
cal constituents have not been investigated. In a contin-
uing deep investigation of our studies on natural prod-
ucts with free-radical-screening activities and bioactive
terpenoids from Ixeridium class[4],we carried out phy-
tochemical studies on this plant and eight terpenoid
compounds were isolated from an EtOAc extract of the
whole plant of I. chinense. We report herein the isola-
tion and structural elucidation of all these compounds.
Materials and Methods
Apparatus and Materials
1H NMR,13 C NMR and DEPT spectra were recorded
on Varian INOVA-400 FT-NMR spectrometer. IR were
recorded on Nicolet NEXUS-670 FT-IR spectrometer.
Column chromatographies (CC)were performed on sil-
ica gel (200-300 mesh,Branch of Qingdao Haiyang
Chemical Plant). Melting points were recorded X-4
melting point apparatus and uncorrected.
The Ixeridium chinense were collected from Taiyuan of
Shanxi province,in June 2007. It was authenticated by
Professor Guo wen-ju,ShanXi Institute for Drug Con-
Extraction and Isolation
Ixeridium chinense (4. 0 kg)were extracted four times
with 75% EtOH at room temperature,and each time
lasted three days. The combined extracts were evaporat-
ed to dryness under reduced pressure. The residue
(120 g)was then suspended in H2O (1. 2 L) ,and ex-
tracted with petroleum ether (60-90 ℃) (1. 2 L ×
6) ,ethyl acetate (1. 2 L × 4)and n-butanol (1. 0 L
× 4) ,respectively. The EtOAc extraction was concen-
trated to a syrup (52 g) ,and then subjected to chrom-
atographic separation on a silica gel column (100-200
mesh,600 g). The components of the mixture were
chromatographyed using petroleum ether with increas-
ing volume of acetone (v /v,from 30∶ 1 to 1∶ 1)as elu-
ent to give seven fractions (Fr. 1-Fr. 7). Rechromatog-
raphy on silica gel (200-300 mesh)with petroleum e-
ther-EtOAc (v /v,10∶ 1)as eluent,Fr. 1 (v /v,from 30
∶ 1 to 25∶ 1)yielded pure compound 1 (15 mg). Fr. 2
(v /v,from 25∶ 1 to 20∶ 1)was eluted with petroleum e-
ther-ethyl acetate (v /v = 20 ∶ 1)to give crude com-
pound 1 (8 mg)and compound 2 (6 mg). Fr. 3 (v /v,
from 20∶ 1 to 15 ∶ 1)was eluted with petroleum ether-
ethyl acetate (v /v = 15∶ 1)to give compound 3 (12
mg). Fr. 4 (v /v,from 15∶ 1 to 12∶ 1)gave compound 4
(9 mg)after CC on silica gel eluted with petroleum e-
ther-ethyl acetate petroleum ether-ethyl acetate (v /v,
10∶ 1). Fr. 5 (v /v,from 12∶ 1 to 10∶ 1)was chromato-
graphed using petroleum ether-acetone (v /v,12∶ 1)as
eluent to afford compound 5 (12 mg). Fr. 5 (v /v,from
12∶ 1 to 10 ∶ 1)was chromatographed using petroleum
ether-acetone (v /v,10∶ 1)as eluent to give compound
6. Fr. 6 (v /v,from 10∶ 1 to 5∶ 1)was chromatographed
using petroleum ether-acetone (v /v,8∶ 1)as eluent to
afford compound 7 (10 mg). Fr. 7 (v /v,from 5∶ 1 to 1
∶ 1)afforded compound 8 (19 mg)after CC on silica
gel eluted with petroleum ether-acetone (v /v,2∶ 1).
β-amyrin (1) Colorless needles,mp. 195-197
℃ . 1H NMR (CDCl3,400 MHz)δ:5. 14(1H,t,J =
4. 0 Hz,H-12) ,3. 22(1H,m,H-3) ,0. 97 (3H,s,H-
23) ,0. 79 (3H,s,H-24) ,0. 77 (3H,s,H-25) ,1. 00
(3H,s,H-26) ,1. 14 (3H,s,H-27) ,0. 83(3H,s,H-
28) ,0. 88(6H,s,H-29,30). 13 C NMR(CDCl3,100
MHz)δ:38. 6(C-1) ,27. 2(C-2) ,79. 1(C-3) ,38. 7
(C-4) ,55. 1(C-5) ,18. 4(C-6) ,32. 8(C-7) ,39. 9(C-
8) ,47. 7(C-9) ,36. 8(C-10) ,23. 2(C-11) ,121. 3(C-
12) ,145. 5(C-13) ,42. 0(C-14) ,26. 8(C-15) ,26. 6
(C-16) ,32. 7(C-17) ,48. 2(C-18) ,46. 6(C-19) ,
31. 6(C-20) ,34. 2(C-21) ,37. 5(C-22) ,28. 1(C-
23) ,15. 6(C-24) ,15. 6(C-25) ,16. 8 (C-26) ,26. 4
(C-27) ,28. 2(C-28) ,33. 3(C-29) ,23. 4(C-30). The
spectral data were in accordance with those of repor-
ted[5],then the compound 1 was identified as β-amyr-
3β-hydroxyl-20(30)-taraxastene (2) Colorless
crystals,mp. 278-280 ℃. 1H NMR (CDCl3,400 MHz)
δ:3. 17(1H,m,H-3) ,4. 64(1H,brs,H-30β) ,4. 60
(1H,brs,H-30β). 13 C NMR(CDCl3,100 MHz)δ:
38. 6(C-1) ,27. 4(C-2) ,79. 0(C-3) ,38. 8(C-4) ,
55. 3(C-5) ,18. 3(C-6) ,34. 2(C-7) ,14. 5(C-8) ,
50. 5(C-9) ,37. 1(C-10) ,21. 6(C-11) ,26. 2(C-12) ,
39. 2(C-13) ,42. 2(C-14) ,26. 7(C-15) ,38. 3(C-
16) ,34. 2(C-17) ,48. 7 (C-18) ,39. 4(C-19) ,154. 6
(C-20) ,25. 6(C-21) ,38. 9(C-22) ,27. 9(C-23) ,
15. 4(C-24) ,16. 3(C-25) ,15. 9 (C-26) ,14. 8(C-
27) ,19. 5(C-28) ,25. 5(C-29) ,107. 1(C-30). The
data was in accordance of 3β-hydroxyl-20(30)-taraxas-
Olean-12-ene-3β-ol (3) Colorless crystal,mp. 307-
309 ℃. 1H NMR (CDCl3,400 MHz)δ:3. 63 (1H,t,J
= 6. 6 Hz,H-3) ,5. 18 (1H,m,H-12) ,0. 99 (3H,s,
H-23) ,0. 80 (3H,s,H-24) ,0. 95 (3H,s,H-25) ,
0. 96 (3H,s,H-26) ,1. 14(3H,s,H-27) ,0. 84(3H,
s,H-28) ,0. 87(3H,s,H-29) ,0. 88(3H,s,H-30) ;13C
NMR (CDCl3,100 MHz)δ:38. 8(C-1) ,27. 5(C-2) ,
79. 2(C-3) ,38. 9(C-4) ,55. 4(C-5) ,18. 5(C-6) ,
32. 9(C-7) ,39. 6(C-8) ,47. 8(C-9) ,37. 4(C-10) ,
23. 2(C-11) ,121. 7(C-12) ,144. 8(C-13) ,42. 0(C-
14) ,26. 4(C-15) ,26. 9 (C-16) ,33. 1(C-17) ,47. 5
(C-18) ,46. 9(C-19) ,31. 2(C-20) ,35. 1(C-21) ,
38. 1(C-22) ,28. 2(C-23) ,15. 6 (C-24) ,15. 7(C-
25) ,17. 1(C-26) ,26. 5(C-27) ,29. 3(C-28) ,33. 3
(C-29) ,23. 5(C-30). The data were in accordance
with those of reported[6],then the compound 3 was i-
dentified as olean-12-ene-3β-ol.
Lupol (4) White needles,mp. 208-210 ℃. 1H NMR
(CDCl3,400 MHz)β:3. 18(1H,m,H-3) ,0. 85(3H,
s,H-23) ,0. 76(3H,s,H-24) ,0. 83(3H,s,H-25) ,
1. 03(3H,s,H-26) ,0. 91(3H,s,H-27) ,0. 75(3H,s,
H-28) ,4. 64 (1H,brs,H-29) ,4. 54 (1H,brs,H-
144Vol. 23 MA Xue-mei,et al:Terpenoids from Ixeridium chinense (Thunb.)Tzvel.
29) ,1. 12 (3H,s,H-30). 13 C NMR(CDCl3,100
MHz)δ:36. 9(C-1) ,27. 9(C-2) ,78. 9(C-3) ,38. 8
(C-4) ,55. 1(C-5) ,18. 2(C-6) ,34. 1(C-7) ,40. 8(C-
8) ,50. 3(C-9) ,37. 25(C-10) ,20. 76 (C-11) ,25. 17
(C-12) ,37. 23(C-13) ,42. 1(C-14) ,27. 3(C-15) ,
35. 2(C-16) ,42. 5(C-17) ,48. 6(C-18) ,47. 7(C-
19) ,150. 4(C-20) ,30. 5(C-21) ,38. 8(C-22) ,27. 9
(C-23) ,15. 3(C-24) ,16. 1(C-25) ,15. 9(C-26) ,
14. 6(C-27) ,17. 3(C-28) ,109. 5(C-29) ,20. 6(C-
30). The data were in accordance with those of repor-
ted[7,8],then the compound 4 was identified as lupol.
10-hydroxyeremophil-7(11)-en-12,8α-olide (5)
Colorless crystals,mp. 170-172 ℃ . IRνmar cm
1772,675,1445;1H NMR (CDCl3,400 MHz)δ:4. 85
(1H,dd,J = 6. 8,11. 2 Hz,H-8) ,2. 60 (1H,s,H-
6α) ,2. 40(1H,m,H-6β) ,2. 12(1H,dd,J = 6. 8,
14. 2 Hz,H-9α) ,1. 86(1H,dd,J = 11. 2,14. 2 Hz,H-
9β) ,1. 72(3H,s,CH3-13) ,1. 75(1H,m,H-1α) ,
1. 77(1H,m,H-1β) ,1. 42(1H,m,H-2α) ,1. 37(1H,
m,H-2β) ,1. 43 (1H,m,H-3α) ,1. 36(1H,m,H-
3β) ,1. 21(1H,m,H-4) ,0. 96(3H,s,CH3-14) ,0. 80
(3H,d,J = 8. 4 Hz,CH3-15) ;
13 C NMR(CDCl3,100
MHz)δ:36. 8(C-1) ,22. 5(C-2) ,28. 2(C-3) ,32. 9
(C-4) ,45. 4(C-5) ,31. 5(C-6) ,160. 9(C-7) ,79. 6
(C-8) ,41. 8(C-9) ,76. 4(C-10) ,121. 5(C-11) ,
174. 7(C-12) ,8. 9(C-1) ,15. 4(C-14) ,16. 4 (C-
15). The NMR data were identical to those of litera-
ture,the compound 5 was identified as 10-hydroxyere-
Ursan-12,20(30)-dien-3β,28-diol (6) Colorless
crystals,mp. 230-231 ℃. 1H NMR (CDCl3,400 MHz)
δ:3. 64(t,J = 6. 6 Hz,H-3) ,5. 14(m,H-12) ,4. 68
(brs,H-30) ,4. 58(brs,H-30) ,0. 75-1. 60(CH3 or
CH2) ;13 C NMR(CDCl3,100 MHz)δ:38. 8(C-1) ,
27. 5(C-2) ,79. 2(C-3) ,38. 9(C-4) ,55. 4(C-5) ,
18. 5(C-6) ,32. 9(C-7) ,39. 6(C-8) ,47. 8(C-9) ,
37. 4(C-10) ,23. 5(C-11) ,124. 7(C-12) ,139. 8(C-
13) ,43. 0(C-14) ,29. 4(C-15) ,22. 9(C-16) ,37. 1
(C-17) ,55. 5(C-18) ,38. 9(C-19) ,151. 2(C-20) ,
32. 1(C-21) ,38. 8(C-22) ,28. 2(C-23) ,15. 6(C-
24) ,15. 7(C-25) ,17. 0(C-26) ,23. 5(C-27) ,63. 3
(C-28) ,16. 3(C-29) ,109. 5(C-30). The data were e-
qual to those reported[10],then the compoud 6 was i-
dentified ursan-12,20(30)-dien-3β,28-diol.
12,8β-olide(7) Colorless crystals,mp. 196-199 ℃
. 1H NMR(CDCl3,400 MHz)δ:3. 78(1H,dd,J =
6. 0,3. 0 Hz,H-3) ,6. 24(1H,brs,H-6) ,2. 36(1H,
m,H-9α) ,2. 09(1H,dd,J = 14. 2,11. 2 Hz,H-9β) ,
1. 70(3H,d,J = 1. 2 Hz,CH3-13) ,1. 26(3H,s,CH3-
14) ,0. 94(3H,d,J = 5. 2 Hz,CH3-15) ,6. 35(1H,
qq,J = 6. 6,1. 2 Hz,H-3) ,2. 03(3H,dq,J = 7. 5,
1. 2 Hz,CH3-4) ,1. 92(3H,dq,J = 6. 0,1. 3 Hz,CH3-
5) ;13 C NMR(CDCl3,100 MHz)δ:27. 8 (C-1) ,
29. 5(C-2) ,68. 2 (C-3) ,39. 9(C-4) ,47. 4(C-5) ,
71. 5(C-6) ,157. 8(C-7) ,105. 6(C-8) ,39. 8(C-9) ,
37. 4(C-10) ,127. 5 (C-11) ,172. 7(C-12) ,8. 8(C-
13) ,20. 4 (C-14) ,167. 4 (C-15) ,168. 2 (C-1) ,
128. 5(C-2) ,140. 2(C-3) ,21. 9 (C-4) ,15. 4(C-
5). The data were in accordance with those of litera-
ture[9],then the compound 7 was identified as 3β,8α-
dihydroxyl-6β-angloxyeremophil-7 (11)-en-12,8β-ol-
Ursolic acid (8) White powder,240-242 ℃ . 1H
NMR(DMSO-d6,400 MHz)δ:8. 34(1H,s,COOH) ,
5. 16(2H,t,H-12) ,3. 18(2H,m,H-3) ;13 C NMR
(DMSO-d6,100 MHz)δ:38. 8(C-1) ,27. 4(C-2) ,
77. 8(C-3) ,38. 3(C-4) ,54. 7(C-5) ,17. 9(C-6) ,
32. 8(C-7) ,39. 1(C-8) ,37. 9(C-9) ,36. 4(C-10) ,
23. 2(C-11) ,124. 5(C-12) ,138. 1(C-13) ,41. 5(C-
14) ,28. 1(C-15) ,23. 8(C-16) ,46. 7(C-17) ,52. 2
(C-18) ,38. 4(C-19) ,38. 4(C-20) ,30. 2(C-21) ,
36. 2(C-22) ,28. 2(C-23) ,15. 9(C-24) ,15. 2(C-
25) ,16. 9(C-26) ,23. 2(C-27) ,178. 1(C-28) ,22. 9
(C-29) ,19. 9(C-30). The data were consistent with
those of ursolic acid[11],the compound 8 was identified
as ursolic acid.
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