全 文 :文章编号:1000-694X(2009)03-0529-07
作者简介:高天鹏(1964—),男 ,甘肃庆阳人 ,博士 ,副教授 ,主要从事环境植物学研究。 Email:zkg tp@163.com
*通信作者:安黎哲(Emai l:anlizhe@163.com)
高天鹏1 , 2 , 王春燕3 , 张 勇4 , 高海宁4 ,
徐世健5 , 安黎哲5 , 王爱勤2
(1.兰州城市学院化学与环境科学学院 , 甘肃 兰州 730070;2.中国科学院兰州化学物理研究所 , 甘肃 兰州 730000;3.兰
州大学学报编辑部 , 甘肃兰州 730000;4.河西学院 , 甘肃 张掖 734000;5.兰州大学生命科学学院 , 甘肃 兰州 730000)
摘 要:采集来自腾格里沙漠的黄花补血草种子 , 分别设置 7个水分梯度(3.0%, 5.0%, 8.0%, 10.0%, 15.0%,
18.0%, 20%)和 6 个播种深度(0、0.5、1.0 、1.5 、2.0 、2.5 cm),进行黑暗(10 ~ 15 ℃)和光照(20 ~ 25 ℃)处理 , 研究
水分 、埋藏深度和温度对黄花补血草种子萌发和出苗的影响。结果表明:黄花补血草种子吸涨速率很快 , 在 6 h 种
子吸水达到饱和;在土壤水分为 3.0%~ 10.0%时 ,种子萌发率较高 , 当土壤水分达到 20%时 , 萌发受到抑制;种子
埋藏越深 ,萌发率越低 , 土壤水分太低或者太高 ,都不利于种子萌发。黄花补血草种子萌发和幼苗生长的最佳条件
是:白天温度在 25 ℃, 夜间温度在 15 ℃, 土壤水分为 10.0%,埋藏深度为 0.5 cm 时种子萌发率和出苗率最高。
中图分类号:Q945.34 文献标识码:A
1 Introduction
第 29卷 第 3期
2009年 5月
中 国 沙 漠
V ol.29 No.3
May 2009
, -
, ,
, -
℃ -
- ℃ ℃
≥ ℃
- ~
2 Materials and methods
~ ℃ ~
2.1 Size and weight of seeds
2.2 Imbibition experiment
- - =
- · -
2.3 Seedlings emergence at dif ferent depths in different
soil moisture
530 中 国 沙 漠 第 29卷
~ ℃ ~ ℃
~ · - · -
2.4 Statistical analysis
3 Results
3.1 Color , shape , size and weight of seeds
± ×
3.2 Imbibition process
- = - -
③ -
3.3 Seedlings emergence in different soil moisture at
different depths
± ±
℃ ~ ℃
531 第 3 期 高天鹏等:播种深度和土壤水分对黄花补血草种子萌发的影响
± ± ±
± ±
± ± ±
± ± ±
~ ℃
~ ℃ -
± ~ ℃ ~ ℃
< -
Table 1 Mean percentage of emergence(±S.E.%)of L.aureum seeds at different soil moisture content and different burial depth
± ± ±
± ± ± ±
± ± ± ± ±
± ± ± ± ±
± ± ± ± ±
± ± ± ± ±
< -
Table 2 Relation elucidated between characteristics of soil moisture and burial
depth on seedling emergences by Two-way ANOVA(P<0.05)
532 中 国 沙 漠 第 29卷
4 Discussion
- -
± ± -
533 第 3 期 高天鹏等:播种深度和土壤水分对黄花补血草种子萌发的影响
( )
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Effects of Burying Depth and Soil Moisture on Seedling Emergence
of Limoniumaureum(L .)Hill
GAOTian-peng1, 2 , WANG Chun-yan3 , ZHANGYong4 , GAO Hai-ning4 ,
XU Shi-jian5 , AN Li-zhe5 , WANG Ai-qin2
(1.S chool o f Chemist ry and Environment Sciences , Lanzhou Ci ty Universi ty , Lanzhou 730070 , China;2.Lanzhou Institute of Chemi-
cal Physics , Chinese Academy of Sciences , Lanzhou 730000 , China;3.Editorial Board of Journal o f Lanzhou University , Lanzhou
730000 , China;4.School o f Li fe Sciences , Hexi University , Zhangye 734000 , China;5.Cold and Ar id Region Environmental and
Eng ineering Research Insti tute , The Chinese Academy of Sciences , Lanzhou 730000 , China)
Abstract:Effects of burying depth, soil moisture and temperature on seedling establishment of Limoniumaureum (L)
Hill were studied.The seeds were collected from the Tengger Desert , the experiment was carried out under treatments
of seven water grades , i.e.3.0%, 5.0%, 8.0%, 10.0%, 15.0%, 18.0%, 20%, sixburying depths at 0 , 0.5 , 1.0 ,
1.5 , 2.0 , 2.5 cm , and two temperature conditions in nighttime(10 ~ 15 ℃)and daytime(20~ 25 ℃).The imbibition
of the L.aureum seeds was fast , with the speed of absorbingwater reached themaximum in 1 hour , and the seeds be-
came saturated in 6 hours.The percentage of seedling emergencewas higher with soil moisture content from 3.0%to
10.0%, and at relatively shallower burying depth.Seedling emergence was checked and recorded everyday , moisture
was added every 24 hours.The experiment was terminated after 21 days when the seedling emergence became almost
steady.In the experiment , noseedlings emerged fromseeds location at the depth of 2.5 cm.The deeper the seeds were
placed in soil , the lower and slower were their emergences.Too much or insufficient moisture , too deep of burial depth
reduced the percentage of seedlingsemergences, which reflected the adaptation of the plant tothe local climate and envi-
ronment.Considering the habitat conditions , the optimal environment of seedling emergence is:temperature at 25 ℃
(daytime)/15 ℃(nighttime), soil moisture of 10.0%, and the burial depth within 0.5 cm.
Keywords:Limonium aureum (L.)Hill;burial depth;soil moisture;seedling emergence
535 第 3 期 高天鹏等:播种深度和土壤水分对黄花补血草种子萌发的影响