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全 文 :     天然产物研究与开发       
  收稿日期:2003-07-02   修回日期:2003-09-17
*Zheng Min-yan , lecturer , master.Major study di rection:natu-
ral organic chemist ry.E-mail:zmy1011@sina.com
ZHENG Min-yan ,WEI Yong-sheng
(Department of chemistry , X ianyang Normal College , Xianyang 712000 , China)
Abstract The flav onoids in Jasminum nudi florum Lindl.extracted by Soxhle t ex tractor with 75% ethanol
w as studied by colo rimetry and HPLC.Determined by colorimetry w ith rutin as standard sample , the content
of total flavonoids in its flowers , leaves and stems were 13.7%, 16.2% and 6.77%, RSD were 2.63%,
2.57% and 2.96% respectively , w hile determined by HPLC with quercetin , kaempferol , isorhamnetin as
standard samples , the content of total flav onoids in its flow ers , leaves and stems counted by ag lycone were
4.205%, 3.371%, 1.703%, RSD were 1.76%, 1.58% and 1.98% respectiv ely.
Key words Jasminum nudi florum Lindl.;flavonoids;HPLC;colo rimetry
Jasminum nudi f lorum Lindl.(Chinese name Ying-
chun), a kind of defoliation shrub , belongs to family
Oleaceae and genus Jasminum.In China , it s original
planted areas were in middle and north provinces , and
i t is planted in every place at present.Compendium
of Materia Medica recorded it could be used as
medicine.It tasting bitter and innocuous is alw ays
used for dispelling heat , sw eating , diuresising , activ-
iting blood , detumescence , obtunding etc[ 1] .But
there are few reports about it s chemical constituents.
In this paper , abundant flavonoids were found in this
plant by qualitative analysis , colorimetry and HPLC.
Present research has proved that f lavonoids have the
eff icacies of low ering blood fat and sugar , resisting
arteriosclerosis , oxidation , tumour and inf lammation
etc[ 2] .S tudying the content of flavonoids in J .nud-
if lorum Lindl.can provide scientif ic attestation to
exploit this natural plant.
1 Materials , reagents and apparatus
1.1 Experimental materials
J .nudi f lorum Lindl.picked in campus of Qinghai
Normal University w as identified by Li Jian-min , a
botany associate professo r of Biology department of
this university .The flowers , leaves and stems w ere
picked up , dried naturally , crushed respectively.Af-
ter being passed by 20 screen mesh , these materials
were dried to constant weight in the vacuum condi-
tion at 50 ℃.
1.2 Principal reagents
Rutin , quercetin and kaempferol w ere produced by
Chinese Medicine Checking Institute;Isorhamnetin
w as produced by Edward Gurr L td.;Other reagents
1.3 Principal apparatus
UV265UV-V IS photometer(Simadzu);LC-6A liquid
chromatog raph(SPD6AV UVdetector;C-R3A data
processing computer)(Simadzu).
2 Experimental
2.1 Extracting flavonoids
By studying the results of orthogonal experiment , the
optimal rate of ex tracting flavonoids in this plant was
w ith 75% ethanol as solvent.Accurately w eighting
DOI :10.16333/j.1001-6880.2003.06.004
specimen 1.500 g was ext racted by Soxhlet ext rac-
tor , ho t reflux w ith benzinum to remove grease and
w ax until there w as no any color in ci rculation ref lux
liquid.Get ting rid of benzinum , the residue w as
bathed by 75% ethanol , the w ashing solutions were
conflated and constant volume to 250 mL , then the
ex traction of J .nudif lorum Lindl.(test solution)
used for qualitative and quantitative analysis w as pre-
2.2 The qual itative determination of flavonoids
Taking some test solution reacted w ith HCl-Mg , 4%
NaOH and 1%FeCl3 respectively , observing the
change of colo r[ 3] .
2.3 Determining the content of total flavonoids by
2.3.1 Determining method
Adopt ing NaNO2-Al(NO3)3-NaOH coloration system
determined the content of total f lavonoids with rutin
as standard sample[ 4] .Test solution accurately quan-
tified to 25 mL measuring f lask was added 30%
ethanol to 12.5 ml , 5%NaNO2 0.7 mL , shook up ,
laid 5 min , then added 10%Al(NO3)3 0.7 mL ,
shook up , laid 6min , added 10%NaOH 5 mL , finally
made the solution constant volume w ith 30%
ethanol , laid 10 min , determined the absorbency at
510 nm w ith corresponding reagents as blank solu-
2.3.2 Standard curve
Accurately weighting rutin that had been constant
w eight in the vacuum condition at 105 ℃27.90 mg
w as constant volume to 100 mL by ethanol to prepare
standard solution , accurately measuring different
quantity of standard solution detected absorbency ac-
co rding to the method in 2.3.1 , the regression equa-
tion of concentration C(mg/mL)against absorbency A
w as C =0.07853A +0.0002804 , R=0.9997 , the
linear range w as 0.01 ~ 0.06 mg/mL.
2.3.3 Experiment of standard addition recovery
The results of adding rutin to test solution of known
concentration w ere listed in table 1 , the average re-
covery w as103.3%, RSD = 3.70%.Through ana-
lyzing the results , we could see that the recovery w as
elevated as the accreting concentration of solution ,
these also show ed , in higher concentration , the both-
ers w ere bad , the results on the high side and the er-
rors bigger.
Table 1  The recovery of standard addition obtained by col-
S ample
quant ity(mL)
Added(mL) Absorbency Recovery(%)
0.2 1.0 0.224 101.0
0.4 1.0 0.307 100.2
0.6 1.0 0.394 102.2
0.8 1.0 0.480 103.5
1.0 1.0 0.573 109.8
2.4  Determining the content of flavonoids by
2.4.1 Chromatog raphic conditions
Column , YWG C18(10 μm , 4.6 mm ×250 mm);
Flowing phase , V(methanol):V(0.4% o rthophos-
pho ric acid)=60∶40;Detecting w avelength 360 nm ;
Flow rate , 1 mL/min;Column temperature , room
temperature;The quantity of injecting sample ,10 μL.
Fig.1  HPLC chromatog ram of standard samples(A)and
the extractive from Jasminum nudi florum Lindl.
2.4.2 Standard curve
Accurately w eighting Quercetin , Kaempferol ,
Isorhamnetin ,which had been constant w eight in the
vacuum condition at 105 ℃, 13.07 mg ,12.91 mg and
8.63 mg , were constant volume to 50 mL w ith
methanol to prepare their standard solutions respec-
tively.Accurately measuring each standard solut ion
0.2 ,0.5 ,1.0 ,2.0 and 4.0mL to five 10 mL measur-
4952003 Vo1.15 No.6 郑敏燕等:迎春花中黄酮类化合物含量的研究          
ing flasks w as constant volume by methanol , each
w as sucked off 10 μL to carry out HPLC analysis in
terms of the condition in 2.4.1 , the figure of stan-
dard sample were show ed in fig.1(A), the peak a , b
and c belonged to Quercetin , Kaempferol and
Iso rhamnet in respectively , by reg ression analysis of
each peak area(A) against concentration(C , mg/
mL), the regression equation obtained w as listed in
table 2.
2.4.3 Preparing samples fo r HPLC analy sis
Through analy zing of T LC and HPLC , the ex traction
of J .nudi f lorum Lindl.had many flavonoids of dif-
ferent structures.These flavonoids had bigger
molecule and more complex structures , so i t w as dif fi-
cult to find standard samples to analyze one by one.
Present report showed[ 5~ 6] that the flavonoids in
plants w hich hydrolyzed by acid can produce a few
kinds of aglycones , we could analy ze these ag lycones
by HPLC to gain the content of flavonoids.From the
figure w e could see that the ag lycones obtained by hy-
drolyzing the ext ract ion of J .nudi f lorum Lindl.
mainly were quercetin , kaempferol , isorhamnetin.
By referring to concerned literature
[ 5~ 6]
and acco rd-
ing to the experimental fact , we selected the hy-
droly tic condiction below to prepare the HPLC ana-
ly zing samples of J .nudif lorum Lindl.:Taking
25mL test solution dried solvent before added 25%
HCl 5mL and methanol 30mL in it , then ref lux in
w ater bathe to remain acid hydrolysis one hour , af ter
being cold , the solution w as constant to 50 mL by
methanol , and then the analy zing sample was ob-
tained;f ilt rat ing the solution w ith 0.45μm microfil-
t ration membrane w as used to do HPLC , the figure of
samples w as fig.1(B)
2.4.4 Recovery experiment
Accurately sucking of f 10 mL test solution of known
content w as added 2.0 mL stardard samples of
quercet in , kaempferol and isorhamnetin respectively ,
then acco rding to 2.4.3 , we prepared them to be the
analyzing sample for HPLC , finally w e detected the
recovery .The results were showed in table 2.
Table 2 The average recovery of standard addition obtained by HPLC
S tandard
Regression equat ion R
Linear range
Average recovery
(%)(n=5) RSD(%)
Quercet in A=2.9014×106-1194 0.9998 5.228~ 104.6 98.1 1.45
Kaempferol A=2.7208×106-2969 0.9996 5.164~ 103.3 98.5 1.21
Isorhamnetin A=3.9514×106-5723 0.9997 3.452~ 69.04 101.2 1.69
3 Results
3.1 The results of qualitative test of flavonoids
The results show ed that the test solution of f low er
and stem of J .nudi f lorum Lindl.produced mauve
foam and the solution turned to mauve as reacted with
M g-HCl , the leaf produced o range foam and solution
as reacted w ith Mg-HCl , the three reacted with
NaOH turned the solution to yellow and w ith FeCl3
turned to dark green.These results all proved there
w ere flavones , flavonols and dihydrogen flavones etc
in J .nudi f lorum Lindl.[ 3].
3.2 Results of spectrophotometry
Taking the f low ers , leaves and stems determined the
content of f lavonoids according to the method in 2.3 ,
each sample w as determined three times.The results
were showed in table 3.
Table 3  The content of to tal flavonoids in J.nudi florum
Lindl.determined by colorimetry
S ample Determining(%) Average(%) RSD(%)
Flow ers 13.4 , 13.6 , 14.1 13.7 2.63
Leaves 15.7 , 16.3 , 16.5 16.2 2.57
S tems 6.56 , 6.79 , 6.96 6.77 2.96
3.3 Results of HPLC analysis
Taking the flowers , leaves and stems determined the
content of f lavonoids according to the method in 2.4 ,
each sample w as determined three times.The results
were showed in table 4.
496          天然产物研究与开发 2003 Vo1.15 No.6
Table 4 The average content o f flavonoid ag lycones in J.nudiflorum Lindl.determined by HPLC(n=3)
Sample Quercetin(%) Kaempferol(%) Isorhamnet in(%) Total aglycones(%) RSD(%)
Flow ers 2.573 0.2521 1.380 4.205 1.76
Leaves 0.2667 2.937 0.1676 3.371 1.58
Stems 0.6632 0.7663 0.2732 1.703 1.98
4 Discussion
4.1 The content w as higher by colorimetry than by
HPLC , the content of flavones detected by HPLC
was only 20%~ 30% of that detected by colorime-
try.The possible reasons were as follow s:① There
w ere many disturbs in colorimetry determination , in
alkalescence medium , many poly atomic phenols also
reacted w ith Al
to change colors of solution so that
affected the accuracy of result , so the content deter-
mined by this method w as alw ays on the high side.
②For this plant maybe had other flavonoid ag lycones
besides quercetin , kaempferol , isorhamnetin , these
aglycones w ere difficult to be analyzed by HPLC fo r
the lack of standard samples.③What HPLC detected
w as the content of aglycones that w ere produced by
hydrolyzing flavonoids.If it was w nverted to the con-
tent of f lavonoids , the latter value w as almost tw ice
higher than the former[ 6] .
4.2   Results of HPLC showed quercetin and
isorhamnetin were higher in flowers , while kaempfer-
ol w as higher in leaves.
4.3  The f low ers and leaves of J .nudi f lorum
Lindl.had abundance of flavonoids , whose content
w ere far higher than that of Ginkgo bi loba L ., Hip-
pophae rhamnoides , Glycine max(L .)Merr., their
content of flavonoids had repo rted in some literature.
For the many health pro tection and medical treatment
ef ficacies of flavonoids , it is need to do mo re research
to this natural source , J .nudif lorum Lindl.
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4  Xiang Zhao-bao , Ren Shao-guang , Shi Yi-song , et al.Ab-
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5  Weng De-bao , Wang Hai-feng , Weng Jia-y ing.Studies on
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郑敏燕 魏永生
(咸阳师范学院化学系 咸阳 712000)
摘 要 以 75%乙醇为溶剂 ,索氏提取器提取 , 采用比色法和 HPLC 法研究了迎春花中黄酮类化合物
的含量。以芦丁为对照物 ,比色法测定出其花 、叶 、茎中总黄酮的含量分别为 13.7%、16.2%、6.77%,
RSD分别为 2.63%、2.57%、2.96%;以槲皮素 、山奈素 、异鼠李素为对照物 ,HPLC 法测定出其花 、叶 、茎
中的黄酮总量 ,以甙元计分别为 4.205%、3.371%、1.703%, RSD分别为 1.76%、1.58%、1.98%。
关键词 迎春花;黄酮;HPLC;比色法
4972003 Vo1.15 No.6 郑敏燕等:迎春花中黄酮类化合物含量的研究